Tuesday, October 1, 2013


I am always an advocate for motorcycle safety, not motorcyclists that indulge in unsafe dangerous practices as the so called "Hollywood Stuntz" group has done as reported on September 30th 2013 after they allegedly attacked a motoriust while his wife and 2 year old watched in horror. I also take issue to the news reporting that they were "Bikers" and a "Bike Gang" neither statements are true in the least. This bunch of idiots may be on two wheels but they are in no way "Bikers" like myself and myriad others I know personally that are always respectful, courteous, genuinely lend ahand when needed expecting nothing in return and being one of the largest segments of our society that are educated, professionals, and most are either active duty or veterans of U.S. military service. We "Bikers" also are responsible for raising and donating money for many charities through out the land.

The few always spoil it for the many and shows like the "Sons of Anarchy" do nothing but inflame the public at large who do not know anything about the motorcycling world. Shows such as the aforementioned only serve to promulgate the public distrust and misunderstanding about the many many fine upstanding citizens that do ride motorcycles safely.

The Tracey Connor of NBC News article on the incident.



Appaling behavior by any standard you wish to measure with.

Cary W. Deeter Sr.


  1. In this world of new run information, instances like these are most often presented in a way to bash an entire group of people, rather than place the blame on the specific people who commit these acts. The same goes for gun control, whenever someone makes national news for a shooting, all of a sudden its time to start cracking down on guns! Crazy! Bikes do not assault people, people on bikes assault people, Guns do not kill people, the person holding the gun kills people! Sadly, in this age the national media spins the news to whichever direction they see fit, and the majority of people buy right into it. Good blog!
    Jonathon Muszynski

    1. Thanks JD. I know it's insane how the masses are manipulated by the mass media manuvering them in the direction of their own movements. How ya like all those M's?

  2. In this world of new run information, instances like these are most often presented in a way to bash an entire group of people, rather than place the blame on the specific people who commit these acts. The same goes for gun control, whenever someone makes national news for a shooting, all of a sudden its time to start cracking down on guns! Crazy! Bikes do not assault people, people on bikes assault people, Guns do not kill people, the person holding the gun kills people! Sadly, in this age the national media spins the news to whichever direction they see fit, and the majority of people buy right into it. Good blog!
    Jonathon Muszynski
