Friday, October 4, 2013

Force Feeding Advertising

     So for a while now I have been noticing these ads on YouTube that I am being forced to watch before being “allowed” to view my video I want to watch.  I do not get it! Personally to me it is annoying and pointless.  There has been a total of ZERO times I have been interested in or further researched whatever the ad was talking about. So why exactly am I being forced to watch these ads?
     Some ads are not that bad, they allow you to click skip within about 5 seconds and continue on to your video.  However, some ads are forced upon you to watch for 30 seconds!  I understand that YouTube is being paid to do this buy these companies, but do people really ever interact any further based on those ads? I would think not.  At least not with me, personally I find it leading me away from these companies and products due to the level of annoyance I find them to be.  It’s like force feeding me your products….No Thanks!  If more people would take a stand against this type of advertising by speaking out and letting companies know that this type of force able advertising does not work well, then it might stop. 

     I have started seeing the same type of ads on facebook, “suggested sites”.  Another one of those things that companies pay a site for, It goes even further because facebook links them to your specific interests.  How convenient that is.  Another form of useless advertising if you were to ask me, I have never clicked on one of those sites facebook suggests for me.  So if they do not work, why do companies continue to spend money on them? Maybe I am the anomaly here, does anyone else frown upon this type of advertising? Are there any people who are in favor of this type of advertising and actual interact with it and continue forward with that company? I would like to know! Comment away and let me know!!

 Jonathon Muszynski
CGS 2069

1 comment:

  1. I agree with what you said. The 5 sec ads I can somewhat get over, but the other ones that make you sit there and watch the whole thing are annoying. The whole purpose of me going onto a site like YouTube is to watch a quick video, not watch advertisement after advertisement. One thing I do have to say is that at least YouTube is starting to direct ads that are related to your most frequent searches. This keeps them from being completely random and from being something I'm completely not interested in (most of the time).
    -Kendall Fagan
