Friday, October 25, 2013

"What's your favorite kind of Background Music?"

How would you respond if someone where to ask you “what is your favorite type of music?” Many people have an answer ready and prepared for this and it tends to migrate towards one of the major genres: Rock, Classical, Hip Hop, Electronic, etc. One answer that is ever expanding in its popularity is “I don't know; I listen to everything”. Many of us seem to be very open minded about what we listen to or so selective that if anything fits into a genre that we already prefer, we will listen to it.
But there is another side to music that is a lot less appreciated than it should be. Many of us who are casual listeners can admit that our world is full of music. But when we think of music many of us think of the latest artist or band to release an album. This blog entry is all about a question that we may NOT have asked ourselves: “What is your favorite type of BACKGROUND music?”

The importance of background music is very obvious. If it isn't, then try to imagine a horror film without quiet and creepy music, or an action scene from a zombie movie without kick-butt 80s rock and roll. Generally though, the audience does not get access to such music and doesn't even pay it very much attention, but it is a vital part of the experience of watching a movie! And not only does good audio enhance video, but bad audio can ruin a film.

Background music also helps add to an experience. As students, it is almost instinctive of us to have music playing as we study or do homework. Some may see it as a distraction, but many people cannot live without a bit of noise to help them work. In fact, this is the reason why many shopping centers and stores provide music through overhead speaker. Studies show that worker moral and efficiency increase when music is present. You don't even really have to listen to it, or be aware of it, but the background music is still at work.

Luckily, due to increased attention in great works of musical art, soundtracks to popular movies have become more and more commonplace in our itunes libraries. It just goes to show that more and more people are beginning to understand that great music is a key component in reinforcing great video, or even for easy listening. In closing, I would like to play on the nostalgia of you readers. Remember back into your (or your children's) childhood. Listen to this and try your very best not to be thrown back into an older, simpler time!


Kyle Polk


  1. I think that background music is very important. It completes the feeling that you get from a visual. Like you say in a mover it enhances the movie in every way.

  2. My favorite background music is Coheed. Many times it has helped me focus on the things I was doing like test or school work.
    -Summer Whoolery

  3. Nice article Kyle. You highlighted an important yet under appreciated aspect of music
    Gavin Young

  4. I agree that background music is very important. It wouldn't make any sense to have upbeat music playing during a horror movie. The background music helps to set the scene.
