Wednesday, October 30, 2013

How Technology Can Play a Role in Fitness

      It's no secret that with diet and exercise comes physical fitness and physique, but can simple technology help you reach your goal and propel your progress? The answer is yes, very much yes. Keeping track of what foods you consume, how long you spend exercising, and how many calories you intake are all ways technology can come into play when striving to achieve good physical health. There are also apps now available as features for new cellular devices like the iphones and tablets.
       MyFitnessPal is a free service that lets you maintain a digital diary of your food choices, cardio work and strength training. When first using the program, you're prompted for such information as weight, height, age and activity level. You then enter what you're eating (and drinking) for breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as snacks, throughout the day, and the app records the calories, fat, protein, carbs and vitamins.Or use your phone's camera to take a picture of a barcode and have the app look up the nutritional information for you. MyFitnessPal also lets you enter your workouts and strength training. Just as you do with food, you simply select the activity, push ups, sit ups, walking the dog, and riding x number of miles on a bike. Once you're done entering your information, you can look at charts, graphs and lists of your diet and exercise to get a better view of your day or week.
     The amount of different workouts that can be found at your local gym or health center is reason enough to believe how much technology can help and improve fitness. New machines are made offering different styles of workouts that improve muscles you didn't even know you had, almost every year.

Plus, with new futuristic and architectual designs, gyms are just starting to look just plain cool as well.
A list of almost every known muscle workout can be found here:
-Aaron Adams


  1. Have you heard of Noom? It's an app for Android (and I think it's now available for iPhone) that's from the makers of My Fitness Pal. I've been using it for a while, and it is very useful and shows your progress in an aesthetically pleasing graph, and makes food logging easier. I think that apps such as these can really help people to reach their fitness goals, especially now that they're busier and more technology-orientated than ever before.

    --Megan Commings

  2. I used Noom. Its really great. Works well and helps you stay on top of your routines. -Summer Whoolery

  3. There really is an app for just about anything isn't there?? I like using these kind of apps as well. As long as they tell me I burned a lot though... It's depressing when you feel like you've done well to then be told you have only burned off the equivalent to a piece of candy.
    -Kendall Fagan
