Thursday, September 26, 2013

XBOX One VS. PS4 The new age of console wars

                The next generation of console wars is about to begin.  When dual juggernauts of the industry both release new consoles in November, it’s sure to spark a big debate.  The Sony PS4 is releasing on November 15th and the Xbox One a week later on November 22nd.  So which console is better?
 Well that’s debatable.  For me it’s the Xbox One, first and foremost for me is the controller.  I know this is the biggest issue for either side of this war.  Sony fans hate the Xbox controller.  Xbox fans hate the Sony controller. So chalk that one up to personal preference on which design you personally like better. There has also been a long term debate for online experience.  Sony has always had an advantage because they do not charge for their online service……well until the PS4 comes out that is.  As Sony has announced they will now charge for the online service.  What about hardware?  Well honestly in this day and age the competition is even both consoles are very capable systems that can deliver the next generation of gaming.  So much so that both systems even use the same company (AMD) for their graphics processors, so in this war what really is the factor that stands out?
(401(K) 2012: Flickr)
  PRICE! The PS4 is releasing with a price tag of $399 while for some reason the Xbox One is releasing with a price tag of $499.  A bold move by a company with such a comparable competitor launching a week earlier and at $100 cheaper, so bold that this lifetime Xbox fan and extremely anti Playstation gamer is seriously considering purchasing a PS4 rather than a Xbox one. I have yet to fully decide on my purchase yet, I waiting to get better knowledge on launch titles before my decision is made. However, at this point I’m leaning to PS4 based on price, let’s face it, aside from controller these systems are pretty much the same so why am I paying an extra $100 to buy the Xbox one? Please Microsoft someone tell me why I should do that! I really do not want to have to adapt to the PS4 controller!

J.D.  ( Jonathon Muszynski )

DIG 2000

1 comment:

  1. Well JD that is good information on both the gaming company giants. Personally I have never been interested in video or computer generated games or the gaming concept. I tried "Pong", "Pac Man", "Mario Brothers" and "Legend of Zelda" when they were initially released. For the most part the first two mentioned were boring and mindless to me. The latter two mentions of "Mario Brothers" and The Legend of Zelda were a bit more interesting with the graduated levels of accomplishment if you want to call it that. However, to me it was purely an exercise in dexterity and eye coordination that didn't require thought to proceed to other "levels". Then I discovered "Jeopardy" on a 3.5 floppy disk that was fun and entertaining up to the point when you had played and answered all the questions. Then the disk was fit for giving to someone or thrown in the trash. A game with mental challenges would interest me.
