Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Motorcycle Awareness
Just What Is A Biker?
It has come to my attention that there is a lot of confusion about what a biker is so I will try to illuminate you with what I know and that doesn't mean I know every thing!
 You might be a biker if:   
 You love children and will protect them at all cost! 
 You are male or female.
  You have one or more motorcycles as in his and hers
 You ride on two wheels and prefer two wheels over 4 as a daily routine.
 Your motorcycle is considered a "Kool Ride" by others that consider themselves to be bikers also.
 You love the rapport with nature, and the wind in his or her face.
 You love bikes, all kinds of bikes, especially the big twins like Harley Davidson, Indian, Henderson,
 Norton, Triumph, BSA, Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki, and Kawasaki etc.

 You ride long distances 300, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000 and over and attend "Bike Rallies. 
 You ride local toy runs, cancer benefits, and other charity events to raise money for the charity.
 If you have had to push your bike more than a half mile due to a mechanical problem.
 If you have ever had your bike in your house.
 If you have ridden motorcycles more than half you life starting from age 10.
 If you have er ridden in weather a cager wouldn't even try to drive in.
 If you have ever slept next to your bikeon the highway or a rest stop on the interstate.
 If you do some of the work and maintenance on your own bike.
 If you believe people should take care of their own business and mind their own business too.
 If you have stopped to help a fellow biker that is broke down on the side of the road.
 If you've ever been asked to leave or not allowed in a place of business.
 If you've been given a "biker name" from our peers and you use it.
 Your friends and neighbors call you by your "biker name"
 You have tatoo's or piercings (not all bikers do)
 You have a hair style that is not normally socially acceptable, mohawk, shaved, or including  mustaches and beards.
 You dress for comfort not conformity and you ignor the social norms.
 If your legs are pale from not tanning
 If you've ever worn a T'Shirt that has a totally disgusting or anti social message.
 If you have a bell on your bike.
 Saying that, you might be a biker if? Are you a "biker" ?  We "BIKERS" know if you are for sure.

LETS RIDE !!!!!!!

Cary W. Deeter Sr.

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