Saturday, November 2, 2013

Reality TV vs. Reality (Preachers of LA)

There is a lot wrong with reality TV.

1. It is not reality, it is hypocrisy. There is no way cameras can roll ad show 
reality unless they are hidden.

2. There is no way a multi-million dollar company would leave something like this to chance
it has to be scripted because it has to flow a certain way for ratings. 

To see these type of shows as reality! You basically have a lie.

This show the Preachers of LA. The Pastors on the show suppose to representing the body of Christ however, they are lying, now the world is getting an impression of something scripted as if it is real.

As a believer AKA a christian the things that goes on, on this show is contrary to what the Bible says concerning the characteristics of a pastor. 

Titus Chapter 1 vs. 6-8 and 1 Timothy Chapter 3 vs. 2-3 covers the fact that:
A pastor must be devoted to his wife;  a one - woman man (The pastors marriage should illustrate Christ love for the church Ephesians Chapter 5 vs. 22
A pastor must be humble - not arrogant
A pastor must be gentle - not quick tempered 
A pastor must be peaceful - not violent 
A pastor must have financial integrity - not greedy for gain
A pastor must be self - controlled.

Watch this Clip that ABC News did a cover on and you be the judge: 'Preachers of LA' Spark Controversy with Flashy Faith

I do not have the Oxygen Net work so in order for me to catch up on what has happen on the show I've been able to  Watch it here once upon a time if you missed a show you just missed the show. Now you can go to YouTube or just type the show you want to watch in Google. There are a lot of people that create blog spot to post shows on so people can watch them and a catch up on what they missed.

By: Vilikia Dyer


  1. I think reality TV has it's place, but so many people are stupid and don't realize the entertainment factor and mighty $ are first and foremost , very sad:(
    Karen Bellman

  2. I am not big on the reality tv craze that we seem to be in right now. However I do really like that fact that if i miss a certain episode I can easily catch up with what i missed.
    Jonathon Muszynski

  3. I choose to view this as people trying to make money. I mean, television has its place to try and spread a good message, but most broadcastings are for entertainment purposes. They don't seek to be real but to be entertaining at the expense of a location of group of people (Jersey Shore, Basketball Wives, etc.) That being said, I don't think people go to reality TV for spiritual guidance. Either way, I don't agree with this show either.
