Friday, October 26, 2012

My Video Game Experience

It all started at the age of six, when my mom let me play Sonic the Hedgehog on her Sega. I played it death, literally, and my brother gave his Nintendo along with the games Donkey Kong and Mario. My brother was given a Playstation, which is why he gave me his old Nintendo. I watched him play Resident Evil on it, and that is where it all started. I finally got a Playstation 2 for my tenth birthday, and with it came Jak and Daxter. Then my brother introduced me to God of War, where you play this big pale guy out to kill some Gods. From then I have been into fighting games. I played my Playstation 2 until my freshman year of high school. My mom bought me a Wii after that, and the only game I liked to play on it was Resident Evil 1 and 4. I went from a Wii to Xbox 360 and was introduced to Left 4 Dead, the best multiplayer zombie game ever! I played with my friends all the time, and even by myself if I had no one else to play with. Then I got a Playstion 3 and along came Dead Island. This, to me, is one of the most realistic zombie games I have ever played, which made it even scarier. After I played it to death I got into Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, which has to be the most fun shooting game ever! You can play online with a bunch of people, which you don’t know, so it makes it harder to tell what they are going to do. 

As you can tell, I play a lot of games and have went through a few gaming consoles, and I have to say they have definitely improved over the years. The games are looking more and more realistic every time they make one, and I can’t wait to see what future gaming is going to be like.
Kristin Posey


  1. I was also obsessed with Nintendo games as a child! It's incredible to watch how game consoles are progressively becoming more advanced and at such a fast rate! I do wish that I had all of my old Nintendo systems to play with again though.

    Shannon Pitt

  2. My first "console" at my mom's house was a pink Gameboy Advance, and at my dad's it was a PlayStation 2. We played Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance from start to finish so many times that I can still recite pieces from the opening scene over 8 years later!

    -Megan Commings
