Thursday, October 25, 2012


Google+, also known as G+ or when all spelled out Google Plus, is a social network that is slowly catching up with some of its rival networks.  Having been released only a little more than a year ago, Google+ already has some 400 million users.  Of these 400 million, 100 million are regular monthly visitors.  I think this somewhat small number is due to the fact that major brands and businesses such as ESPN, Ford, and Coca-Cola are just now widening out in Google+'s use of social media.
Google+ has also been used in other forms of social media besides the normal form of sharing thoughts and comments.  Google+ hangouts have been used in outer space, for band concerts, presidential interviews, celebrity interviews, along with family and friend hangouts.  While in a hangout, users can watch a YouTube video together as well.  Google+ is also the first social media to offer selective sharing.  This means you get to share what you want with who you want.  This cuts down the unwanted shares or "noise" in a user's stream.  This helps to keep the user's profile page clean and organized with only what they are personally interested in.
The Google+ Project is more than a website.  It's the "new Google".  The +1 button is found all over the Internet giving evidence of how expansive the Google+ network is.  This +1 button is similar to Facebook 'Like'.  Google+ users can also 'check-in' using the Google+ Local points-of-interest data base.
Mobile is shaping the next wave in social media.  Google develops a beautiful smart phone and optimized app.    Users of the app can message each other, share photos, and 'hangout' for free.  The INSTANT UPLOAD automatically backs-up all photos taken. This way you don't lose precious photos or videos in case of a stolen phone.
Social media is used for both personal reasons and for businesses.  Google+ is just one of the many different form of social media.  Though it can still be considered in its beginning stages, Google+ continues to grow and even surpass some of its leading competitors.  Don't rule out Google+!

-Kendall Fagan


  1. I have seen Google grow as a company and they are really turning into a real power. i remember when I started my gmail account and thats all they were. they were a search engine and email service. Now they have their hands in evrything that is social. I had no idea what google plus was. I saw the app for it one day and i decided to download it and to my surprise it was amazing! It truly is something that will give Facebook a run for it's money. Google as a company really has it's finger on the pulse of what's going on now and what will be happening in the future.

    -Daryl Washington

  2. I started a G+ account right when they started becaue I thought the idea of the circles and the Google + hangouts were really neat. I have not used it since the first week. Maybe I should give it another try.
