Saturday, October 20, 2012

Living With Social Anxiety in the Digital Age

   As a person who deals with social anxiety on a daily basis, this topic is really important to me. Some people say that socially anxiety is just someone being shy, no, that's not the case at all. It's actually really crippling, especially in an environment such as a physical classroom. In college, you sign up for classes every semester with a bunch of total strangers usually in an unfamiliar place since you're not likely to be in the same classrooms every semester. To a person with social anxiety this makes the learning process incredibly difficult. 

   An anxious person will not want to ask questions about the material so learning can be somewhat difficult if the material itself is difficult. The exposure to a room full of strangers can trigger panic attacks which can result in said anxious student not having any will to go to class and eventually just dropping the class.

    One nightmare for a person that's suffering from anxiety is a public speaking class. Public speaking is required for quite a few degrees/programs and the thought of giving a speech in front of a bunch of strangers for a socially anxious person is almost enough to kill them. Taking it online is significantly less stressful so said person can get their needed credit worry free! The electronic classroom is really an amazing thing for someone who suffers from severe anxiety. You can feel free to ask as many questions as needed through email or discussion boards since it's much less stressful to an anxious person to just be a wall of text on a message board rather than asking a stranger face-to-face whatever question he or she may have. 
    As a person with social anxiety, I can say from my own personal experience that I'm able to be much more social via message boards or Facebook or whatever. As an example; I'm really interested in politics, but, I know I could never go and strike up debate with strangers. Using a site such as Facebook, as much as I really don't care for it, gives me a forum to do so. I'm also very interested in cutting hair, makeup, and vintage hairstyles. YouTube allows me to learn how to do all of these things quite well but without the stressful classroom type environment. It sounds a bit crazy when written out, but it is what it is and digital media and the internet expanding to the point where people can teach, talk, or share interests in an instant is really something amazing for people dealing with anxiety.

- Hollie Adams


  1. Great post, I never thought of it like you say. I think the problem with society is that a lot of people are afraid to mix it up because when people see others as different they do not accept them. But everyone has something to bring no matter what, so it is a good idea to accept people of different personalities. I am a very socialble person, I have no problem talking to people I don't know, but I think that comes from a mantality of wanting to hear people's stories. People are very interesting in some way or shape. Social media does give comfort but it also breeds a false narrative as well. It is easy to say things that are not true, behind a computer.
    Christopher Todd
    Dig 2k

  2. I don't know if I would be considered to have social anxiety, but I am definitely an introvert, and I find it extremely frustrating working in groups with other people. Are you the same way?

    -Megan Commings

  3. Yah but maybe not the same reason, I just hate relying on other people to get stuff done. I am a very social person though, I love going to places and talking to people, it is the spice of life. I remember when I went to Spain, I actually met someone that lived in the next town over back in the States. It was crazy! The only way to get more comfortable with people is to socialize more, because I think the more recluse one gets the more "unacceptable" they become. Don't get me wrong it is hard! But everyone has something to learn from everyone. Plus you never know if you might meet a life long friend!
    Chris Tod

  4. I can certainly see where Chris is coming from. Throughout high school, though I wasn't afraid to ask questions when I needed help, I was always worried about what people would think if I said or did something dumb. Still, I'm glad that never stopped me from trying as best I could to meet people. I heard once that "no man is an island," so I did my damnedest to be as sociable as a subconscious brothah like myself could be.
    - Christopher Oxley

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I love this post. I've known some people that take Public Speaking classes, not because it's required, but because they want to get over their social anxiety. I really enjoyed reading this one :).

    COrey Morabito

  7. I really enjoyed reading this post because it's not often that people will come out and talk about it. It's crazy how digital media enables people with social anxiety to live comfortably at their own pace in life. I've noticed social networks help people interact with others without that anxiety or awkwardness that they'd usually have in person. I have always considered myself a shy person. I was the kind of person that dreaded the first day of school, meeting new people, etc. So online classes definitely help lessen that pressure. I'm not sure what your major is, but mine is music production and I have no choice to be in the classroom with others, but I'm slowly breaking out of my shell. Best of luck to you! Good post!

    Shannon Pitt, DIG2000
