Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Skylanders- Continued

I left off the last update with talking about everyone following the trend of creating their own Skylander versions. Like I said Disney has caught on and it won't surprise me if more do also. But the one brand that I am wondering about is Pokemon. Now this is a HUUUGGGEEE company already and makes alot of money. They have video games, merchandise, cards, movies, TV shows, basically everything. Now what would happen if they came out with their own Skylander versions? Pandemonium. Kids, as well as the adults, will buy these things up like candy. You think people got obsessed with Skylanders? Pokemon would take it to a whole new level. I for one would by all of my classic favorites just because I miss them, but people would take gotta catch 'em all to a whole new level. The only thing that would make this cooler would be if you actually had to travel to get special Pokemon maybe go to special stores. People would go crazy, the special edition Pokemon would sell for thousands just like the Skylanders, but probably even better. Would you be a buyer of the Pokemon edition? My guess would be HECK YES! -Summer Whoolery

1 comment:

  1. Actually, I think if Gamefreak were to come out with their own version similar to Skylanders with Pokemon, I feel that they could only take it so far. I do feel they would make a ton of money off of Christmas sales off of the initial release, but I feel that sales would tapper off as they include more and more figurines. The ONLY reason I say this is because of what I have seen around my family. My family liked Skylanders for the first month after purchase, but has forgotten about it since and has not ventured to purchase any more accessories. I could be COMPLETELY wrong in thinking this, but its just a personal opinion. I would love for Pokemon to blow up with this new idea though. :)
