Friday, November 15, 2013


This company has created a housing for your iPhone, so you are now able to take your phone up to 130 feet deep. How can this be with my touchscreen phone? Watershot also created an app that allows you full function of the camera with the four push buttons on the housing. The app is free from the app store. It can create full video, single shot, or multi burst photos all by switching modes with one button UNDERWATER!!! This is such a great advance in photo sharing as well, in the app you can post your photos to facebook, instagram, etc. all underwater!! (provided you have service underwater) This company also makes the housings for the Samsung galaxy phones.

Still don't believe its possible? This company started making underwater housings for hundred thousand dollar movie cameras, so I think its safe to say they know how to do it right!


Not only does this company create underwater housings, they create underwater lighting. Being a diver, I am always excited to be able to take amazing pictures underwater. However, I do run into the problem of lighting when underwater at depth, it can get dark down there. So lighting from a company that specializes in making your camera go underwater is a win-win. They are not cheap but lighting is a saftey issue when underwater and in the dark.

There is so many new and exciting things coming from this company in the future. Sony has created a new DSLR lens that you can operate with your smart phone. So this company said well lets take it underwater! They have created a housing that will attach to a Watershot housing for your phone so you can do just that. The housing is still in testing stages but I have full confidence that they will perfect its design and release its soon!

Most of this information is from when I met and talked with the owner of the company, but here is the link to the website for some more information.

Mariah Taylor

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I do not use apple products, but I like the innovative steps made to make this possible. I was wondering though.... is the iphone camera good enough to justify having this housing?
    Jonathon Muszynski
