Monday, November 18, 2013

Xfinity On Demand > Netflix

If you are anything like me, you love to watch some television. Whether it be tv shows, movies or documentaries, I love watching them. With those variations to choose from, time does not allow me to keep up with them all with just my regular cable provider. This is where streaming has become almost like a superhero to me.

Whether it is legally or illegally(which I do not condone) a vast majority of us stream televison/movies offline in some way. Netflix, Hulu and Redbox are the most popular, and they all offer services online to give people like myself their fix.

The question I have though is, are they necessary? Don't get me wrong, I LOVE me some Netflix, I use it on a daily basis, but I see another option available that could ultimately make Netflix look outdated in comparison.

Xfinity On Demand offers a very large library with much to choose from, and the cool part about it is, it could be bigger! It could be much bigger than what the secondary companies have to offer. It has the shows available for viewing the day after they have been aired as well as new releases available the day they were actually released, not a month later! (GRRR, that angers me Netflix!) Xfinity On Demand also comes with your cable(if you have Comcast) which means you wont have that little extra bill every month. These are all big positives in my eyes.

That's not to say Xfinity's service doesnt need some fine tuning. It has a few flaws, but they are all easily fixable. Here are the main three that I think would help:

1. Drop the prices on all new releases and keep the movies in the library for a loooooong period of time and not just a few months.
2. Make all the tv shows available. If it comes from a premium channel that the customer has not paid for, make them wait and don't have it available until the next season begins. Making it available at that time does not cause you to lose customers. Also, keep them in the library at all times... don't remove them!!!
3. Expand the library even more. Older movies, older shows... bigger is better!!! It's already a pretty big collection but just think of the possibilities.

I personally believe that if they went this route, or one similar, they would be able to reign supreme in this market and become the top dog.

Written by: James Westoven

Source - picture:


  1. I have Netflix and Hulu but I dont find myself using them that much -Summer Whoolery

  2. Between Netflix, Amazon Instant Video and Redbox, cable isn't even really needed in my life. I haven't had cable for almost 4 years now and I'm still alive. The internet has really opened up new ways to watch our favorite movies/tv shows.
    -Kendall Fagan
