Monday, November 11, 2013

Integrating Embedded Systems with the Human Body

When ever there is something needed to be tested it is first tested in animals, and later finds a way to the human body. this topic is so significant and important to me because the rate that technology is going and where it come through out he years this is already being done and soon everyone will not have the choice in the matter.

Questions to ponder:
What really is the need for humans to have these chips embedded in their bodies?
What do you think will happen if you do not comply and choose not to get something like this?
Do you believe that we are headed to a time where there will not be a choice in the matter?

Notice that this device is being placed, in the right hand. That is significant I will explain why I pointed that out later on in this discussion.

Justifications to why people should get this. 
A doctor who rock  climbs for a hobby have something like this implanded in body. In his right upper arm. He said "what  if a fall on day while rock climbing and I am unconscious when and if help comes they can scan me and find out my name age etc."

Hospitals complain the when people come into the emergency room its something good to have because they can scan a person and find out their medical history. Medicines they might be allergic to etc.

the police department and sheriffs expresses that  if parents get a device like this in the children it a way to find them if they get abducted.

Me personally I believe that there is a huge danger in this because now you leave yourself open to be controlled with no privacy and your location a whereabouts is always known. also it is a fulfillment of prophecy and being a believer in Christ I would never in no way agree for something like that to be embedded in my body.

Remember earlier I said notice where this device is located in the picture above. The RIGHT hand.
In the Bible Revelations 13:16-18 says:
16 It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, 17 so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.
18 This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666.

Also take a look  at this video NBC Prediction that we will all have a RFID chip under our skin


By: Vilikia Dyer 


  1. I would be totally against this, I honestly do not see any real need for this, all the pros can be accomplished with a id bracelet of some sort.
    Jonathon Muszynski

  2. Uh Oh, sorry the only chips I want in me are the kind I eat. To say this is invasive and intrusive is an understatement. If the government tries to mandate and implement such a system although proferred as a help and a boon to mankind it will prove to be a bane. Like anything else it may be used for good or bad. Just don't do it. Now pass the chips please and don't forger the dip.
    Cary Deeter

  3. I think this is an invasion of privacy and I would not be for it at all! A person can easily have a card in their wallet with their medical information on it.

  4. I eat pig chips, potato chips, and banana chips. The only chips for me! oh I forgot chocolate chips :)
