Monday, November 4, 2013


Skylanders are making a huge trend. When they first came out I did not see the reason behind them. Now if you have never heard of SkyLanders it is a video game based off of the old Spyro games. (Dragons and what not.)  It is also almost nothing like the original games and that is also disappointing. Now in Skylanders you have a portal that is wirelessly connected to your console. Before being able to play the game you also have to purchase a character. It is like a mini action figure toy, but when placed on the portal it comes to life in the game and you can play them. Now each character has their own personality and abilities. Throughout the game certain levels can only be achieved by certain characters. Now I finally did buy it just to see how it was and when I was in GameStop I had a conversation with one of the workers that really opened my eyes. Skylanders is essentially a real life (well almost real) Pokémon hunt. People are going crazy over these things, thinking they need to have them all . If you have not looked into these things it is kind of ridiculous. Online some of the special edition Skylanders are going for thousands. It is pretty crazy. You might have also noticed that everyone if following the trend and creating their own versions, Disney for example. Which in my opinion just looks dumb. But in the next blog I will follow this up with who else could follow the trend to make all of our dreams come true. Hint Hint the phrase gotta catch em all would go to a new level.
Below is a link to the Skylanders site.

-Summer Whoolery

1 comment:

  1. My son loves these things, they came out of nowhere and made a huge hit! I like the analogy to pokemon , so true.
    Jonathon Muszynski
