Thursday, October 20, 2011

Digital Media's Influence on Music.

While record sales are down because of illegal downloading due to the existence of file sharing sites, digital media still plays a crucial role in the music industry. Sites such as Twitter, Facebook, and Soundcloud give artist an opportunity to connect directly with their fans in real time. They’re able to communicate with their fan base while simultaneously promote their music.

As we all know by now, the internet is the go-to resource for information instantaneously. When it comes to music, people all over the world are searching day in and day out for new artist or the next best thing in the music industry. Being a fellow music junky I must say it feels great to discover new music online before its top 40 hit on billboard. All these things are possible through digital media. For upcoming independent artist, social networks are essential to jumpstarting a career. On Twitter, you can follow people who have common interest in you in music. You can promote your material and possibly network with industry insiders who also have accounts on the site. Videos, whether they be music videos or “vlogs” (video blogs), can be uploaded and shared on YouTube. Once artist have generated a decent level of exposure, they can create a fan page on Facebook to keep them updated with things such as tour dates, merchandise, etc.

Digital media really has changed the way artist become stars and really sped up the process of doing so. I can recall times when I wasn’t able to hear music from my favorite artist due to the lack of music blogs and other social networks. Now I have the luxury of being able to hear new music from them before it hits the radio (if it ever does). An example of an artist that capitalized on digital media to become successful is Pittsburgh raised rapper, Wiz Khalifa. Posting new music on his Myspace weekly and the use of video blogs (also weekly), helped catapult him into stardom. Even before topping the Billboard charts, Khalifa was able to book shows and tour because of his massive presence online. This, of course, gives the artist an opportunity to spread their music and make money without the backing of a major record label.

While some believe the internet is causing more people to try their luck in music in hopes in gaining their “15 minutes of fame”, you can’t argue the positive things it does for those who are truly talented and want to spread their musical gifts to the world. Digital media has made it possible for artist to establish themselves solely by connecting with their true fans. As a huge hip-hop fan, I can tell you that some of my favorite artists owe the success they are now seeing to digital media.

-LaShawn Heard

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