Thursday, October 20, 2011

"If It Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It"

"If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!" "We Hate the New Facebook, so STOP CHANGING IT!!!"
Yet again, Facebook has changed its layout. With that change brings the ridiculous statuses, fan pages, and member complaining for weeks after. The newsfeed gets clogged with complaints, people wanting Facebook to change back, and members even threatening to delete their accounts completely.
I think it’s clear that most people are ignorant of the increasing demand for technology. Leaving the layout for so long will cause users to become bored and find other social networks. Facebook’s continuous update with the layout is simply an effort to keep up with rival social networks.
Also, let's keep in mind that this is a social network. Not your online bank account. There is no need to get so worked up over a few changes. Creating a fan pages with complaining about the new layout as the only goal will not convince the creators of Facebook to change it back. The best thing to do is moderate your time on Facebook and accept the change. Keep things positive on Facebook!

1 comment:

  1. That's a great topic! People do actually complain about how much Facebook has changed. But how can they fix things that people complain about if they don't make changes?

    And personally, I don't see anything wrong with their recent change at least. I just feel like more of a stalker than usual.
