Tuesday, October 18, 2011

YOUTUBE: Entertaining, Educational and Sometimes Misleading

I was probably 50 years young before I knew Youtube existed and then only because my son sent me a Youtube video of him wakeskating in the bay like this one http://youtu.be/CEEkTAMhHzM.  After that I might periodically get an email with a funny video but didn’t give it much thought of where it came from. It wasn’t until I met back up with a guy from highschool that I had not seen in 35 years that I truly was enlightened by all the Youtube possibilities.

Once Kenny and I started dating I noticed he was on the computer a lot when I was at his house.  Hmmm, I thought what is he looking at? Was it good or bad? So I started looking over his shoulder and watching.  Soon I realized that he was watching videos on Youtube.  You see Kenny is a surfer and he also builds custom surfboards to sell.  Much to my amazement, I saw that not only was he able to watch videos of people surfing like this one http://youtu.be/HpvTlhGGZaA   but he could also watch how-to videos on different shapes and techniques for surfboards like this one http://youtu.be/TOaZpzNbBk4.  Well if he can watch surf videos then I must be able to watch quilting videos.  So the search began, I starting exploring and soon found out that this YouTube thing could be very educational.

It doesn’t stop with just educational stuff.  I also found some very entertaining videos.  My favorite is the one I found of the college guys singing Lady Gaga’s “Bad Romance” http://youtu.be/MTnmbnEYJgc. I must admit these guys are just as good as she is and just as strange. If you don’t watch any other video in this blog you must watch these guys.  I laughed till I cried.

Watchers beware: there are definitely some fakes on the site.  Some I may feel is fake but you may believe are real, or maybe I think they are real and you think they are fake. I’ll let you decide for yourself. Like this one of the guy being attacked by a killer whale coming on to the water’s edge and attacking him. http://youtu.be/HgxvI5OAwck

So as you can see YouTube has a wide variety of videos to watch.  It just depends on if you are looking for educational, some entertainment, or just one of those video you have to figure out whether it’s real or fake.  No matter what I search for I am always amazed at what you can find on Youtube like this video on Digial Media Revolution. http://youtu.be/ZE5bncAEhSQ

Paula Cox


  1. Paula, you hit it on the head about Youtube.com It could be a real video. It could be fake video but it's always interesting to see what's gonna happen and become the next internet viral video!

  2. I'll admit it, I can spend hours on Youtube.com watching everything from music videos to cats to children to fails to oh lord I could go on forever. But I have never seen a quilting video! It's such an amazingly diverse tool that can appeal to any age or station in life. Not every social networking tool can say that!
