Thursday, October 20, 2011

Video Game Violence Vs. Movie Violence

I’m not sure that this topic has ever truly been discussed before. It always seems to be one or the other that is mentioned. And lately, every time something violent happens, researchers come back saying, “Video games done did it! Durp!”  I just don’t know that I agree with those claims.

The biggest argument I have on this topic, as well as anyone really, is how the mediums are controlled in regards to whom can get their hands on it. The retail industry and theatre industry can only block the purchaser of the content from getting their grubby little hands on things they aren’t allowed to view or experience. However, this is where the two industries drop the ball. It isn’t the rating system, it isn’t the content – it’s the policing of sales. The flipside to this is that neither industry is exactly getting it right, but because video games are interactive, people are quicker to blame, let’s say the unrealistically graphic Counter-Strike PC game, then to blame the realistically gory Saw series of movies.  I just feel that its unfair to blame one and not take into account the other.

As far as the influence of video game violence on people goes and whether or not it really desensitizes some people is not something I can say is true or false. I’m sure that prolonged exposure to this sort of content surely could, but I’m not so sure to the length of full on violence. There is more than likely something more than violent media expose in someone’s psyche to push them to those bounds. However, I’m no scientist. So once again, I just can’t say for certain, but I can say to me violence is violence no matter the graphic nature of it, no matter the medium. It’s all in how knowledgeable a person is or can become that will let them take it in with the grain of salt that it should be. At end of the day, it is nothing more than “special effects.”

Comment if you wish and let me know how to you feel about the topic!

1 comment:

  1. I think that there's violence everywhere. It's like, something that can't be avoided. If you're old enough, I even think that the Call of Duty games are kind of educational. I never knew about anything that the military did until I started playing those games!

    But I believe that if people want to blame someone, they should blame themselves. I mean, they can always avoid those movies and not let their children or themselves be exposed to any of it.

    Or maybe it's just like people to want to complain about something, ha ha.
