Thursday, November 3, 2011

Kindle vs Nook

Lets compare the Kindle against the Nook!! I have a huge love for reading books and will encourage anyone to start reading. E-readers are the best way to do that! I'm not doing any kind of research. I'm just going to use my experience with both devices. I had a Kindle for a few months and just recently invested in the Nook. Truthfully, both devices do exactly the same thing. They encourage people to read more books, which, in turn, builds a better vocabulary.
My first e-reader was the Kindle Keyboard. The set-up was smooth and the Kindle app for the computer was very user-friendly. The Kindle was very easy to use and very fast. It connected to the internet without any problems. However, stick to simple websites or the Amazon site and don't add a lot of books. It will slow the device down and cause it to freeze.
Amazon offers great deals on the website as well. Buying a membership allows you to "borrow" books for free and has great deals on books. Most of them are under $9.99. Also, Amazon has come down with their prices with the Kindles. I paid $115 for my Kindle, which now costs only $99. They also have different styles to choose from, the newest one being the Kindle Fire. I believe it is a great buy for the amount of money spent!
I gave my Kindle to my sister, who shares the same love for reading, and bought the Nook Simple Touch Reader. I fell in love with it immediately. It is an e-ink touch screen with wi-fi capabilities. It is smaller than the Kindle and just as fast. Same goes for the websites visited on the Nook, though. Heavy sites, like Facebook, will slow it down and possibly make it freeze. One feature the Nook has over the Kindle is the settings. You can adjust the size of the words and the display of the screen.
The Nook app is much more difficult to maneuver. I could never get it to connect to my device and I didn't like the setup of the app itself. The Kindle app was much more user-friendly than the Nook app. I also had to download a converter program for my Kindle files. Nook can only support certain formats, like PDF or EPUB. The Kindle can support all formats. If you decide to go with the Nook and have formats other than those supported, go to and download the program. It will convert those files into formats supported by the e-reader.
There are also other e-readers to choose from. Do not limit yourself to just the two biggest names. Research ALL brands and choose the one you think fits you best. I do encourage you to invest in an e-reader. Its a great way to read not just one book but many at one time. It is much easier to keep up with books, rather than dealing with hard copies.


  1. I've been wanting an e-reader for a long time, thank you for the insightful post! Which one would you recommend in the end, having used both? It sounds like you're more fond of the Nook, but you didn't come right out and say so. I also love to read, but I travel a lot a dragging three or four books on an airplane just isn't practical. I'm looking forward to investing in an e-reader. Thank you for your reviews of these products!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I've been thinking about getting my mother one of these for Christmas but wasn't sure of all it was capable of. Reading this has definitely convinced me to go ahead and buy one. Great article.

  4. Thanks!
    My favorite is Nook. The Kindle was great but there is just something about the Nook that I love. If you are looking for an e-reader that has tablet capabilities take a look at the Kindle Fire also. It just came out and is pretttyyyy nice!
