Monday, October 10, 2011

Advancement of the Gaming Industry

Video games have come a long way from "Pong Game" which is played with 2 lines and 1 ball. The objective of this game is get the ball past your opponent's line and reach a certain score. I remember playing Pong Game in the Arcade and making my own version in a summer class. The game was simple, and easy to play. I know I could go on forever talking about games and what I liked and didn't like. We can all agree that video games today are nothing like they used to be. Games are defined by their graphics, game play, difficulty, and replayability. Games are constantly evolving and they continue to make money. I play games and enjoy them very much. I actually have some games reserved and will pick them up in November when they come out.
Now back to how games have advanced in.....well mostly everything. Video game industries made about 11.7 billion dollers in 2008. 2008! Imagine how much they've made this year. I mean you could try and search it up. I attempted to look it up but didnt find it, then again I didnt search real hard. Games began developing in the 1970s. As time moved on along with technology, so did video games. When you get a chance, look up video games that were made in the 70's. Now look up games that were made this year. You will see a huge difference in graphics, prices, and popularity. Games are more popular than ever. So this only means prices go up along with it. A brand new xbox 360 game costs $59.99. Game systems cost over $200.
Games are everywhere, even on Facebook. We all know how many people use Facebook. I'm pretty sure that the majority of Facebook users have played a game on the site which made some company money. So if you think video games are lame and dumb then you're missing the big picture. Video games will continue to grow as well as technology. Digital media is taking over the world.

1 comment:

  1. Michael as a parent of a 9 year old, I feel you! Games today are nothing like the games of past years. From the realistic graphics to the incredible cost! LOL Well lets just say, Gamestop is one of his favorite stores.
