Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Social Media Google'd

Social Media, what is it? I haven’t put much thought into what it truly is so I google’d it and pulled up http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_media. Among the many common social media technologies; forums, blogs, social network websites, Facebook and MySpace, I found something interesting, virtual worlds. Virtual game and social worlds are a form of social media, World of Warcraft, the most epic dungeon slashing RPG game is also a form of social media. The community of fellow gamers have social guilds you join in its virtual world where you can send mail and communicate through chat while while having an all-night hack fest in dark dungeons. Through applications on smart phones you have the ability to stay connected to people on-line currently playing the game. I had never thought as you play a game you can be taking part of social media. The ability to stay connected 24/7 to friends inside this virtual world makes the social aspect possible. Even the ability to connect to millions of users and sell your loot you fought hard for in the game is almost the business aspect of the social media. The reach and accessibility that this virtual world has makes it one viable candidate for social media technology.

 Jon Jimenez
Internet Marketing

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