Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Games rock'n' Social media

Video Games and Social Media


            I play video games. There I said it. I am not ashamed the fact that I am a gamer and sometimes use social media to find out what new information is out for new approaching games. So I did some research connecting the two. In 2010, video game accessory, hardware and software sales reached a astounding $18.58 billion. It seems that American households are not afraid to spend money on video games or accessories. Everyone plays games, no matter who you are. People even playing a game on their phone can be considered a “gamer”. Farmville is estimated to bring in $1 million a day in revenue. A silly game that I have never, nor will try is making more money in a day than I will in a life time.

 You want to know what is crazy. Console systems actually have apps that allow users to access social media! Social media allows people to play games, while games allow people to go on Facebook. The world is getting wilder by the day. But hey, I’m not complaining. I have been playing video games since before the Sega system came out. I am what you call a hipster. So if people want to think playing games is cool, go right ahead, I won’t stop you. Technology is taking over people. Better get on the train before you get left behind. That idea even goes beyond video games. We are constantly moving forward. Social Media is even a source of video game advertising (see what I did there?). The only problem with video games and social media is the more popular it gets, the pricier the products will be.

            So buckle your seat belt folks. With the way things are going now. We are going to be in for heck of a ride.

This is Michael Radcliff. CGS2069 Internet Marketing. I’m signing off. Bye!

-Michael Radcliff

1 comment:

  1. Gamers are all ages now, it use to be just kids, but now adults are in on it. The social media aspect that game developers have added is pretty cool, especially with MMOs
