Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Forward unto Dawn

Forward unto Dawn

            I was thinking of what to write about concerning internet marketing on my blog assignment. And finally I dawned on me. Write about the internet campaign that the creators of Halo 4 made to help advertise their product. Being a fan of Halo since the first one, I was quite intrigued with this new live-action video web series called “Forward unto Dawn”. Forward unto Dawn is 5 part video series telling a different story with some average marine soldiers being the key focus. In my research I came to find out that the whole project cost about $10 million dollars.

            The reason this is interesting is because a new company took over the production of the halo series and wanted to take it in a new direction. The idea was to make an impact deep enough in the online gaming community. 343 Industries is the company that took over the Halo franchise. 343 let the world know that Halo will come back better and more in depth with how games are supposed to made. Finding out that this $10 million dollar project was to help advertise a video game is beyond staggering. The dedication to risk spending that kind of money for a game shows great courage. The Forward unto Dawn series comes with the limited edition of Halo 4 and 90 extra minutes of footage.

            You can simply go on YouTube and watch this live, with actually people, live action web series. The videos are about 15-20 minutes each. I hope you take the time to watch at least one video and see why the Halo franchise will flourish in the next coming years when the sequels come out.

            This is the link for the part 1 of the video web series. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BfJVgXBfSH8

            My name is Michael Radcliff and this blog is for Internet Marketing CGS2069. Signing out.

-Mike Radcliff

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