Friday, December 14, 2012

Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Rankings and SEO

As I start coding and creating webpages I have started to take into account Search Engine Optimization or better known as SEO in marketing circles.  This I thought was the most interesting subject matter in my internet marketing class.  This is something that can be influenced by the content in a website.  So how does my web page get a better ranking in the search engines?  One of the most important elements I found is the <title> tags of the pages; this is the text between the <title> elements on your web pages.  This text needs to reflect what keywords and terms used within that page. Each page should get its own title because each page usually has a different topic.  Next the Meta description tag, this is a description of your website in your own words.  Your <meta> tag description will show in all the major search engines, it is the description of the site under its title and web address.  If this isn’t included the search engines will fill this in automatically and usually won’t get it to accurate. The last area of focus is the site map; this page is basically a list of all the pages on the website.  Search engines use indexing programs or crawlers, to find web pages and list them.  The more pages you get listed in a search the better your rankings.  The easy techniques will increase the chances that more of your site will be listed in a search. If you take the time to review your pages or use some free webmaster tools provided by search engines you can refine your site and get high search rankings consistently. 
Jon Jimenez
CGS 2069

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Games rock'n' Social media

Video Games and Social Media


            I play video games. There I said it. I am not ashamed the fact that I am a gamer and sometimes use social media to find out what new information is out for new approaching games. So I did some research connecting the two. In 2010, video game accessory, hardware and software sales reached a astounding $18.58 billion. It seems that American households are not afraid to spend money on video games or accessories. Everyone plays games, no matter who you are. People even playing a game on their phone can be considered a “gamer”. Farmville is estimated to bring in $1 million a day in revenue. A silly game that I have never, nor will try is making more money in a day than I will in a life time.

 You want to know what is crazy. Console systems actually have apps that allow users to access social media! Social media allows people to play games, while games allow people to go on Facebook. The world is getting wilder by the day. But hey, I’m not complaining. I have been playing video games since before the Sega system came out. I am what you call a hipster. So if people want to think playing games is cool, go right ahead, I won’t stop you. Technology is taking over people. Better get on the train before you get left behind. That idea even goes beyond video games. We are constantly moving forward. Social Media is even a source of video game advertising (see what I did there?). The only problem with video games and social media is the more popular it gets, the pricier the products will be.

            So buckle your seat belt folks. With the way things are going now. We are going to be in for heck of a ride.

This is Michael Radcliff. CGS2069 Internet Marketing. I’m signing off. Bye!

-Michael Radcliff

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Social Media Google'd

Social Media, what is it? I haven’t put much thought into what it truly is so I google’d it and pulled up Among the many common social media technologies; forums, blogs, social network websites, Facebook and MySpace, I found something interesting, virtual worlds. Virtual game and social worlds are a form of social media, World of Warcraft, the most epic dungeon slashing RPG game is also a form of social media. The community of fellow gamers have social guilds you join in its virtual world where you can send mail and communicate through chat while while having an all-night hack fest in dark dungeons. Through applications on smart phones you have the ability to stay connected to people on-line currently playing the game. I had never thought as you play a game you can be taking part of social media. The ability to stay connected 24/7 to friends inside this virtual world makes the social aspect possible. Even the ability to connect to millions of users and sell your loot you fought hard for in the game is almost the business aspect of the social media. The reach and accessibility that this virtual world has makes it one viable candidate for social media technology.

 Jon Jimenez
Internet Marketing

Forward unto Dawn

Forward unto Dawn

            I was thinking of what to write about concerning internet marketing on my blog assignment. And finally I dawned on me. Write about the internet campaign that the creators of Halo 4 made to help advertise their product. Being a fan of Halo since the first one, I was quite intrigued with this new live-action video web series called “Forward unto Dawn”. Forward unto Dawn is 5 part video series telling a different story with some average marine soldiers being the key focus. In my research I came to find out that the whole project cost about $10 million dollars.

            The reason this is interesting is because a new company took over the production of the halo series and wanted to take it in a new direction. The idea was to make an impact deep enough in the online gaming community. 343 Industries is the company that took over the Halo franchise. 343 let the world know that Halo will come back better and more in depth with how games are supposed to made. Finding out that this $10 million dollar project was to help advertise a video game is beyond staggering. The dedication to risk spending that kind of money for a game shows great courage. The Forward unto Dawn series comes with the limited edition of Halo 4 and 90 extra minutes of footage.

            You can simply go on YouTube and watch this live, with actually people, live action web series. The videos are about 15-20 minutes each. I hope you take the time to watch at least one video and see why the Halo franchise will flourish in the next coming years when the sequels come out.

            This is the link for the part 1 of the video web series.

            My name is Michael Radcliff and this blog is for Internet Marketing CGS2069. Signing out.

-Mike Radcliff

Friday, December 7, 2012


     At first I would sometimes skim over to DeviantArt, not being really all that interested of the site to begin with. But now, after actually paying attention to what the site has to offer, I can see why it is the largest online art community in the world. Its like a big social networking site, where artists and art enthusiasts alike can come together to proudly feature and view art of all forms.
     Deviant Art was launched on August 7, 2000 by Angelo Sotira, Matthew Stephens and Scott Jarkoff (Scott Jarkoff being terminated from DeviantArt due to some legal issues) and since then, it has been very popular. Today DeviantArt has what is now over 24 million registered artists and over 241 million pieces of art. Searching has been improved since when I first visited the site and artists have the option to sell there art/products and acquire some advantages and benefits through premium memberships. Also to note, videos can also be uploaded to DeviantArt.

     It is really nice to see all the art that's in here for example the one to the left was one I thought was really good. With over 241 million pieces of art, the number increasing by the day, it does serve as quite the gallery. DeviantArt houses a variety of art that ranges from digital art, traditional art, and photography to film and animation, flash, cartoons, and comics. Design challenges and community projects and the list goes on.

   I for one have found myself using the site more and more to share with friends and family. Even using some of the art on the site as a bit of a motivator for me, though, it does have its problems (few from what I can see), such as with ads and whatnot, probably having to go premium to get rid of the ads. But overall DeviantArt is a very well developed site and is a good starting point for those that are first time artists. It features contests, feedback from other artists and enthusiasts, customizable profiles, and the use of its personal shop "Prints Shop" where , as I said, people can sell there art/products. Not only that, Prints Shop has a group tab where it features other sites that can show an artist's artwork and help them get noticed.

Written By: Mauricio Schebesch


Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Future of our Children

I have spent hours pouring over statistics and test results and studies.  There are journals and articles in abundance out there determining the pros and cons of children's use of digital media.  It got rather boring afer awhile.  But what did hold my interest was my own grandson.  All I had to do to know the answers that I sought was to look in my own living room.  I have a four year old grandson who owns a tablet, a laptop, a PS3 and a Nintendo DS.  He knew how to use most of these devices before he could walk. For a long time, I was fascinated as I sat watching those little fingers fly over the controls.  He could speak a little Chinese and Spanish at the same time that he was learning to speak English from watching educational television programs. The first time I handed him my IPhone, he took it and immediately began to pull up games so that he could show me how to play. He found stuff on there I didn't even know I had. I was so proud of him, thinking to myself that he got that from his Daddy, who was equally smart at that age.  But then I began to remember how, after awhile, I began to have to make my son go outside and play.  He began to withdraw and would spend hours in his room playing Nintendo or watching television while my other son was out catching snakes and playing ball.  I also remembered how easy it was, as a single Mom working long hours, to allow those things to be my babysitter, and how sometimes, I even wished that my younger son would stay inside more so that I could keep an eye on them easier.  What was I thinking?  But what really drove it home was when I happened to be visiting my grandson one day and some friends stopped by to visit my son.  They had a little boy the same age as my grandson.  They immediately began to play an extremely violent video game as the parents retired to the "man cave" to visit.  I decided to hang out and watch the kids for a minute and I realized that the other little boy still had on pull-ups.  He was over four years old and was not yet potty trained.  I later asked my son about it and he told me that they didn't want to push him, that he would go when he was ready.  I couldn't believe it!

Despite the fact that my grandson is a very smart, precious child, he has very few social skills, he never goes outside to play, and I truly worry about him as he is getting ready to start school soon.  He has been home-schooled already to the grade level of a second grader, writing, spelling, adding and subtracting, even multiplying.  But now he is going to join the other children his own age as a first grader next year and I am afraid he is going to be terrified of a world that he has no knowledge of.

Digital media is reshaping our children's lives, at home and at school, in profound and unexpected ways.  Common sense suggests that we consider the potential harm of these changes.  Computers can pose serious health hazards to chidren, some of the most common being obesity, social isolation, eyestrain, and even damage to physical, emotional, or intellectual development.  Our children are the most sedentary generation ever.  Will they benefit, much less thrive, spending even more time staring at screens?  Children need time for active, physical play, live lessons that engage their hands, hearts, bodies and minds, not computer simulations.  The computer, like the TV, can be a mesmerizing babysitter, but at what cost?  I know that there are alot of facts, data and studies that back up both sides of the coin, but honestly, what I would really like to see right now is my grandson playing tee-ball!

Sheri Botzong

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Children and Digital Media

Children know more about computers than some older adults.  It’s amazing to me how fast a child can learn to use a computer, video game, iphone and any type of electronics.  Kids love to teach adults about digital technology. They enjoy showing their "tech-savviness" and mastery of these tools. Reverse roles: Ask your kids to teach you something new. Whether it's programming your phone, playing a video game or show you how interact on the computer. You will be surprised!

 Even the very youngest children in America are growing up immersed in media, spending hours a day watching TV and videos, using computers and playing video games, according to a new study released by the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. Children six and under spend an average of two hours a day using screen media (1:58), about the same amount of time they spend playing outside (2:01), and well over the amount they spend reading or being read to (39 minutes).




New interactive digital media have become an integral part of children’s lives. Nearly half (48%) of children six and under have used a computer (31% of 0-3 year-olds and 70% of 4-6 year-olds). Just under a third (30%) has played video games (14% of 0-3 year-olds and 50% of 4-6 year-olds). Even the youngest children – those under two – are widely exposed to electronic media. Forty-three percent of those under two watches TV every day and 26% have a TV in their bedroom (the American Academy of Pediatrics “urge parents to avoid television for children under 2 years old”). In any given day, two-thirds (68%) of children under two will use a screen media, for an average of just over two hours (2:05).

Despite the proliferation of new technologies and platforms, television continues to dominate children’s media use. Among all children up to age 8, an average of one hour and 40 minutes is spent watching television or DVDs in a typical day, compared to 29 minutes reading or being read to, 29 minutes listening to music, 17 minutes using a computer, 14 minutes using a console or handheld video game player, and 5 minutes using a cell phone, video iPod, iPad, or similar device.

Even among infants and toddlers, screen media use dwarfs time spent reading. In a typical day, zero- to 1-year-olds spend more than twice as much time watching television and DVDs (53 minutes) as they do reading or being read to (23 minutes). And some young children have already begun media multitasking—23 percent of 5- to 8-year-olds use more than one medium “most” or “some” of the time.
In a typical day about one in four (27%) 4-6 year-olds uses a computer, and those who do spend an average of just over an hour at the keyboard (1:04). More than a third (39%) of 4-6 year-olds use a computer several times a week or more; 37% in this age group can turn the computer on by themselves, and 40% can load a CD-ROM.

 Fifty-two percent of children ages 5-8 use smart phones, video iPods, iPads, or similar devices, and four in 10 2- to 4-year-olds use the same devices, according to a new national study on young children’s use of media.

Can you imagine what it is going to be like for our children in the next 5 to 10 years?  They will never the true meaning of not having a cell phone or computer that lets you do about just anything you want it to on command.  Truly remarkable!


Posted by: Debra Hoving

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Cyber Monday vs. Black Friday

If you've ever gone Black Friday shopping or had the pleasure of turning on the news during or after Black Friday, then you know how chaotic it is. It's a time of great deals if you're willing to risk your life in the process. Every year people are stabbed, bitten, beaten, or even shot during this pre-Christmas rush for discounted items. In this type of economy it's understandable that a person might want to get really awesome stuff for as much as even 70% off, but, is it worth losing a finger over?
The internet has given us a great alternative to this battle for good deals and there's no threat of anyone pointing a gun at you for getting the last Furby! Cyber Monday is an event that takes place on the first Monday after Black Friday. Many large corporations participate such as GameStop, Target, Sears, Best Buy, etc. and independent shop owners such as people with shops on Etsy. Not only do you have the ability to get that super cool laptop you've been wanting at a discount but you also don't have to camp outside over night to get it. 
       Cyber Monday this year attracted attention by pulling in record sales while Black Friday brought attention to itself by the number of angry gun-wielding shoppers it attracted. I'd say when choosing between a great deal, a night of sleep, and getting to do your shopping from the comfort of your own home and going out for essentially a fist fight at 5 AM, the choice is really quite clear. Cyber Monday is giving us a chance to part ways with this somewhat barbaric holiday and hopefully enough people begin participating in this online event that eventually we can do away with Black Friday. Black Friday isn't just a threat towards the crazed shoppers, there have been many instances of employ injuries and fatalities over the years, which is just one more reason to side with Cyber Monday. So think of the poor retail workers and for your own safety, shop on Cyber Monday and spare yourself the hospital visit.  

           -Hollie Adams