Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The sudden emergence of “Vine”

    Where did the app “Vine” come from! I am usually a person I consider to be “in the know” of new trends, and the next popular thing.  However, even I had no clue about “Vine”. This site has literally come out of nowhere and is now posed to be the next biggest video app around.  Vine first was released as a free app on iOS systems in January 2013, with an android version being released in June 2013.  Since it was released it has skyrocketed through cell phone to cell phone being downloaded by thousands. 

     So what exactly is the reason behind the sudden emergence of this video sharing app?  To me the answer is simple, it’s quick and easy, things that everyone wants in this current generation.  Vine limits the video to a mere 7 seconds, actually 7.5 seconds, but who’s counting.  Just about everyone out there has time for a 7 second video clip, especially if it will make you laugh, which A LOT of Vine’s videos tend to do.  I also think Vine benefited early on from the users who put up amazingly produced 7 second videos.  Videos that had people watching over and over and over! I can’t tell you how many times I have pressed the reload button multiple times to keep watching a simple 7 second clip of someone doing something completely funny and outrageous.  Thinking to myself “why did I do that “. 

     Vine also gives the user exposure, people are allowed to share and comment on all the videos.  There are even a few elite posters on vine that do videos all the time, giving them I would bet, a sense of fame.  If even in the social media world, which makes vine personable.  Add in the ease of use and only 7 seconds of dedication from watchers and you are bound to have a hit. Vine has become so popular that companies are now doing 7 second videos to advertise their products.  I guess you could call them mini-commercials.  Just another totally free form of Internet Marketing!  Don’t you just love the new age of technology!


 Jonathon David Muszynski


  1. That is funny and with all the advances in tech it is no surprise when a simple idea turns into a big deal.

    James T Parsons

  2. Good one JD, I'm going to have to try the "Vine" app. Kewl

  3. If commercials were limited to 7 seconds I would definitely watch them more often. If they were as funny as most vine videos that would make it even better!

    Mariah Taylor

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I had heard of the app Vine, but had not played with it at all. Thanks for the information and example.

    Karen Bellman

  6. I looked the Vine app up on the "Play Store and it says a little over 24k people have down loaded the app. I question the necessity of such an app when we have still and motion picture capabilities on our smart phones that can immediately upload to You Tube, Face Book, Drop Box, Tumblr, and Twitter. Am I missing something. I didn't download the app.
