Friday, November 26, 2010

The Work Industry and Digital Media

Digital media has opened so many new doors for the world, especially in the work industry. It has provided the world with more jobs, and has made older jobs more efficient. Today most of the jobs in the work industry need digital media to survive. The entertainment industry is dependent on digital media for various reasons. First, the entertainment industry simply would not exist without digital media. Without digital media, the first cartoon or film would never have been invented. Also, it relies on digital media to spread the word of their movie, song, or new television show. Actors and actresses can use digital media to find auditions or post their resume online making it easier to find work. Through magazines, newspapers, blogs, and other ways of communicating, people can share their thoughts on a movie, song, show, etc. that can either affect it positively or negatively. Publicity is still recognition whether good or bad, and the entertainment industry would not be able to continue without it.

In the beginning of the business industry, it was all about bartering, and the idea of global trade was outrageous. However, today, thanks to digital media it is as simple as ever. Digital media has allowed the business industry to grow to its greatest. The more technology developed the easier it is to import and export goods. Also, contacting partners across the world can be done in a few seconds and it will seem as if the partners are in the same room. Advertising is more exact in targeting the group that the product affects, and franchising in other states and countries is possible. Budgeting, forecasting, and other inner activities in the business industry are less stressful with the technology of today. Although, everything about the business industry is simpler due to digital media, the same effect that it has on the entertainment industry can happen to the business industry. Bad publicity of the company, owners, employees, costumers, etc. can ruin the business.

Digital media not only affects those industries but every other job as well. The medical field relies heavily on technology. The more technology the easier it is to research cures and diseases to save more people. Also, it has made the medical field more efficient. Today, filing systems are more efficient, and a large amount of doctors are putting their practice online so people can schedule appointments online. Teachers have more and more resources available to them as technology progresses. Look at any type of workforce, and you will see the impact of digital media and the way it has advanced the work industry today.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you that are work industry is all about digital media.I took my son to the doctor the other day and now they send the prescription to the pharmacy of your choice while sitting in the office no need for a paper prescription anymore.
