Saturday, November 13, 2010

Children and Digital Media

The world is full of technology and in this generation children are growing up in a digital media influenced environment. Even before birth technology is an influence we now have at home prenatal heart monitors, music player devices made for the belly so that the baby can hear the different music while in the womb and 4d ultra sound with this amazing technology you can now view what your child is going to look like before they are even born. Once the child is born the fun begins starting with all the new tech toys that are now available starting with the new baby digital image baby monitors allows you to not only listen to the baby but see the baby also there is iPhone app that allows you to track diaper and bottle feedings throughout day. In this day children from birth have access to computers and TV on a daily basics and as they grow look at the toys that are geared towards children in this environment game consoles for example the Xbox, Wii ,and PlayStation 3 are devices that offer so much more than just the ability to play a game. Look at the PlayStation 3 has a blue ray player build in the ability to connect to web and amazing realistic games that you can emerge yourself in and the Wii and now the new Xbox Kinect gives you the ability to feel like you are in the game now with the Xbox Kinect you are now the controller gives you a reason to get up and move. I believe that this is a good thing because with past video games children would just sit and get lost in the game and have limited physical activity with the new system it calls for you to be physical which can be a workout especially with some games I personally like the dancing games. All of these systems offer games in all different age category’s so children and children at heart all have something they can enjoy. Other toys that are digital influenced for young children include some devices that fisher price made like the digital cameras, video recording devices, personal DVD players that are kid made to be tough for little hands and falls and even kid friendly cell phones. All of these devices are good tools that children are getting to learn at an early age so as the digital media environment and technology grows the children of today will be the be the engineers of the future.


  1. I have a four year old niece, and my mother is a 1st grade teacher so I know all about all these games. I remember when my sister was pregnant and the 4D ultra sound was new. It was so amazing to see my niece before she was born, and now thanks to all these wonderful learning games she knows things I didn't know until I twice her age and it is fun for her. I can't wait to see what comes out next.

  2. My little brother absolutely loves his Wii, his favorite game is Tennis. When I was little I would spend hours playing my Super Nintendo curled up on the ground. I love that he can get up and move around. I remember when the Leap Frog systems first came out my sister was just learning how to read and I just loved playing with it. I am so impressed with all the learning technology they have now for children.

  3. when our son was born we were able to get 4d footage of him and it was very amazing to see your baby's face for the first time technology sure grows leaps and bounds everyday
