Thursday, November 11, 2010

Movies and Entertainment: A medium for "Shock Babies"

First off, let me just explain what i mean by the term "Shock Babies". These are the people that love and crave attention, whether that attention is negative or positive. Most of the times, these people will do things that are offensive, arrogant, disrespectful, or outside the "norm" in order to get famous or recognized. They like to push the envelope so to speak. There are shock babies in all walks of life, from politics, to religion. But most times, they are at their best and most creative in the entertainment industry. Here are some examples: remember Kanye West at that award show. Or how about Ms. New York from the Flavor of Love reality show? Classic examples of shock babies.

Not to age anyone here, but does anyone remember back in the day where you could turn on the T.V and see some quality shows? You know, shows that sent a positive message or at the very least, TV shows that don't use profanity. These days, as far as the use of bad language, you can't tell the difference between a made for TV movie or a theatrical release. Now i don't know who the blame should fall upon: do we blame society for the lack of moral standards? Do we blame the producers who make these shows? I am not sure. However, it is very baffling to me that in today's society, every TV show that is produced seems to need a certain quota of ridiculousness (not sure if that's a word)in order to get ratings or even get aired. Case in point, look at every single reality series that is out now, 99% of those are horrible. You have the New Jersey Shore, Kardashian show, Housewives (name one), and a list of others. Now why is it that these shows seem to be so popular? The answer is simple, these shows push the envelope, they encourage drama, and they are often full of shock babies who are willing to make themselves look stupid just to get a name for themselves. I really believe these producers have long ago made up their mind that there is no real entertainment value in "moral" TV, so they create this stuff you see every day. Don't get me wrong though, there are a handful of shows that are not that bad, and that still have a good solid message behind it. One show in particular that comes to mind is the Tyler Perry show Meet the Browns, House of Payne, but even they can have their moments. All in all i suppose entertainment is what it is. It will be used to invoke some sort of emotions, negative or positive. I guess it will continue to evolve as our society evolves; the crazier our minds get, the entertainment has to conform, or is it vice verse. As the old adage goes art imitates life.


  1. I have to agree with you on this post. I do believe there are people who will stop at nothing to achieve a little 15 mins. of fame even if it means making themselves look like an idiot, or at least ignorant. One show that comes to mind is called 16 and pregnant on MTV. The show is about girls who become pregnant at 16 and then it follows them throughout the entire process to show the ups and downs of the whole "young and pregnant" issue. As far as I can tell the purpose of the show is to try to persuade young girls to refrain from getting pregnant until they are older. Funny thing is that the show is now in its second season which leads me to ask, did the girls of this season NOT see the last season? Obviously the message isn't getting through yet or maybe the show is actually having the opposite effect. Maybe these "shock baby" girls are thinking, "hey I know how I can get on TV, all I have to do is get pregant." Either way, I guess as long as the current producers invent ways to humiliate people, there will always be people willing to be humiliated.

  2. To b ehonest, I'm not much of a TV watcher. The only TV shows I watch are Star Gate, Anime, and teh occasional episodes of Start Trek and Doctor wWo. I guess I'm a bit of a nerd that way.

    But anyway, I think I can see where you're coming from. I really don't like the drama of the Reality television scene, the large amounts of just plain idiotic messes and such they get into.

    However, I'm a little more conflicted on the issue of non-reality TV having such things as profanity and violence, and mature themes like you stated. To me, these things, if not added in gratuitously, can bring, a darker, grittier edge to a show or movie, and can discuss themes that aren't all happy and wholsome, and cut and rainbows. Should we just ignore the fact that these exist things exist, just because we can? I don't think so.

    I understand tghe want of wanted to prtect cghildren, and ,morals and the like. but smetimes, i think the crusade of "back in the day" and morally wholsome entertainment just goes a little too far.
