Sunday, November 28, 2010

Duirwaigh Studios

I discovered a really great graphic art company online. It is called Duirwaigh Studios and can be found at You can also find some of their work on my newest favorite website Imagekind is a great website that you can showcase, create, sell and buy original unique art from the artists themselves. Imagekind is an online art community. You should really check it out. I’ve found so many awesome original art there. The duirwaigh website defines Duirwaigh as 1)the door on the human heart which, when opened, causes one to remember one’s magical origins 2) the entryway to impossible things happening every day 3) the portal contained with the human psyche that transports dreams into reality. Duirwaigh is a portal to inspiration. The company begins with the imaginative creations of husband and wife team Angi Sullins and Silas Toball. Duirwaigh delivers products and services that inspire creativity. They specialize in the 3 E’s: enchantment, enlightenment and entertainment. They sing, dance, act, paint, create, write but most importantly inspire. They delve to remind us that impossible things happen every day and life is too good to be true. They implore that we remember those ever so imaginative daydreams of our childhoods and bring them back to life. ‘When inspiration knocks on the door…answer.’ They may seem quite far-fetched and a little off their rockers but all of what they say is true and to me a breath of fresh air. Here are some of my favorites from the website.

Imagine is so simple. The colors work so well together. Most importantly it sends a message to the consumer. It sends a visual message and then reinforces that with a written message. Never let reality get in the way of your dreams. The visual and written message is so simple yet striking and sincere.

God Bless the Freaks looks really cool. The colors pop. The composition is cartoonlike. It is reminiscent of Spongebob graphics yet very elegant. The written message is just great. God bless the freaks. It’s a fantastic composition.

Still Life in Motion is so cool because it is so strange yet it is nostalgic and reminds us of something really old and traditional.

Dandemouselings is awesome! It is so whimsical and silly and sweet. The mice are so happy and free. Opposite of how we see them in our day to day lives. It makes me happy.

What You Think on Grows is a nice composition. The written message has an anatomical implication that ties the graphic to the text. It’s smart.

Humpty Dumpty is really cool. It would be great in a kids nursery. The colors are so light and pastel yet warm an inviting.

Twirl is so loud. It’s awesome though. The colors scream. I can hear the big band music and the bass drums in this parade. It’s very teenage girly.

The Circus Just isn’t the same without You is sad and sweet. It makes me think of when I’ve gotten in a fight with my boyfriend and I try to function and forget about him but I can’t.

Impossible things happen every day is awesome. The composition is nice and suiting but the message is the best part about it.

I’m Possible is freaking fabulous! Graphics are great but what a message!

1 comment:

  1. This is a pretty cool blog. I like the way you took the time to put several examples of the art available in here for everyone to see. It gives a sample of what people can expect from the website and, at least for me, makes the website intriguing enough to want to check it out. Sometimes I think that traditional art such as oil paintings have become lost in this world of booming technology. It seems nobody wants to paint a picture but instead use programs such as photoshop to create one. I guess this isn't necessarily a bad thing though it just depends on the type of art somebody is in to. Either way, I am going to check out the site that I would have otherwise not known about if I hadn't read this blog, so, thanks.
