Sunday, November 28, 2010

Video gaming and Media uses

When you talk about media consumption, there are few industries that immediately come to mind. Movies, books, music.

But there is a new one floating around, and its called Video games.

How has the rise of video gaming affected the consumption of media? Has it impacted it at all?

Lately I’ve seen more Video game commercials on TV than ever before, These are not just small out of eth way spots, either, but full on advertisements during peak viewing time. These even show up during things like sporting events, as evidenced by Final Fantasy 13.

This is but one demonstration of the growing strength of the video game industry and the rise of the casual gamer. The gamer with kids, the family with the wii’s and the party games, and the just occasionally play attitude. Video games have moved beyond the hardcore gaming crowd into the every day life of millions of Americans.

And with that rise has been the advent of new and interesting was for people to interact with things that they had previously just watched.

I’ve seen games that tackle issues such as the environment, and simulations that are used to train people and prove points. These video games are starting to explore the realm of becoming an legitimate tool.

You have Edicational, songs, movies, books, and now video games. Video games that teach skills such as typing, reading, math, to school age children that may not have been interested otherwise.

I’ve heard of Schools using Games such as DDR, a dancing game, in Gym class to keep kids interested and healthy.

And how many movies have come our lately that have been turned into video games? Video game are quickly become a part of the Franchise packet. Books, Movies, and Videos games. And this changes the way people intersct with their favourite franchises. Not Only can you watch it, or Read it, but not you can interact with it, play it out your self.

Won’t it be interesting to see what new uses for video games that people come up with in the future?


  1. That is a good idea with the schools using the fitness video games to help the children get interested and get a workout-- especially on raining days when cannot get outside and run...

  2. I also believe it is a great idea to involve video gaming with reactions. Things such as the Wii, Xbox Kinect, and the motion sensor on the PS3 add a whole new field of gaming to get players off the couch. In the future who knows where this will lead to possibly involving even more senses.

  3. I agree with Ashley H. I love the idea of schools using video games in gym class. I hated gym when I was in school, but I would have loved the video game version. Another thing I find interesting that you didn't mention was the use of virtual training in our military. Who know maybe one day we will be able to train a soldier before we ever hand them their first gun.

  4. yes it is pretty cool to think video games in the near future will replace the treadmill. games are everywere, I mean just about every 8 yld in the country owns a nintendo ds
