Sunday, October 17, 2010

Quitting Technology... Cold Turkey.

Technology has come a long way over the past few decades. I've been sitting here trying to imagine what life would be like without any modern technology and I've come to the conclusion that it would be kind of boring. Granted, if I had been born into a world without technology, I would be used to it and probably wouldn't be able to imagine the world as it is today. However, the point is... having been born into today's technologically dependent world, I think everyone would go into panic mode if we were suddenly stripped of internet access, cell phones, radio, television, etc.

Think about it. How many of you have left the house, realized you left your cell phone behind and turned around to go get it? I know I'm guilty of it. And why? I'm sure that I could survive without my cell phone for a few hours, but it drives me crazy not having it. I feel naked without it and it's just a cell phone. How would you react to quitting technology cold turkey?

This idea certainly has it's pros and cons. I feel that it would build stronger bonds between friends and family as the only interaction you would have with each other would be in person. People would probably be more fit than they are in today's society as most jobs would require harder labor and people would be outdoors more instead of staying in and watching tv or sitting on the computer. But if today, in 2010, there was suddenly a technology blackout, I personally feel that there would be a spike in the crime rate everywhere. We rely on technology for audio/video surveillance, metal detectors, and even telephones to call for help and without these things, criminals might take full advantage of it.

Those a just a few random thoughts, but what do you think? How do you think it would affect us? There is no doubt that technology has taken over today's world. From waking up to your alarm clock, turning your tv on to find out the local weather forcast, going through the drive through at a fast food restaraunt, paying with your debit card, banking online.... the list could go on and on! That being said... It would take some serious adjusting to be comfortable in a technolgy-free world.


  1. All i have to say is to have a world without technology would be the equivalent to an apocalypse. Well maybe not quite that drastic. But it probably would not be far from it. I do aknowledge that we do need some forms of technology, however my beef is with the types that are put out there that give naive-minded consumers the impression that they "have" to get this widget in order to survive. An example of this would be any iphone that has hundreds of apps. I don't know about anyone else, but the only thing i need a phone to do is to converse with the person on the other end, most of that other stuff is unessesary. Of course thats just my opinion.

  2. If the world had a technology blackout, get ready for the apocalypse. If we all started without technology, sure it would be easy, but no technology all of a sudden...bad. I personally don't know how I would eat without stoves or ovens or fast-food, so I probably would be one of the first ones to go. Also, I think all of us take technology for granted, and most of the time we don't take the time to learn how things work or what we would do without them. Our society would degress several centuries. The world would lose millions of jobs, and the work industry would just have to be completely re-made. I was reading this article about just giving up Google for a week, and no one that did the experiment could do it, I don't even want to imagine no technology at all.
