Saturday, October 23, 2010

Mark Lawrence, Digital Artist

I’m not a big church goer. In fact now that I think about it I haven’t been to any church in at least four years (except for my step-grandmother’s funeral). That’s why I was very unexpectedly surprised to find myself receiving a sermon this morning at Frank Brown Park watching my son practice ball. I’ll try to spare you all my unreasonable reasoning or should I say confusion and doubt on religion or more so religious leaders. My blog is really about artist named Mark Lawrence. I have been a fan of his artwork for quite some time but up until now have not researched.

Mark Lawrence as a child was more interested in doodling than doing his school work. Many times we hear of artists that have had so much training and just grew up submerged in art. Mark Lawrence is not one of those artists. He basically forgot art in high school. He went through all the usual stuff growing up in America…college, marriage, kids and started a small business in Atlanta. In the mid 90’s he found himself in financial disaster. He returned to his childhood love of art to ease stress and became a born-again Christian, finding the two to hold hands. He draws his artistic inspirations from bible scriptures. He stays motivated by hearing from different people he inspires. He hopes to do God’s will and spread his news by inspiring people with his artwork.

That is how I found myself sitting in a church pew at football practice in the park. Listening intently and believing, questioning or denying each and every phrase uttered just as I did for so many years when I was little. I come into these perspective self discovery journeys or interventions hopeful yet doubtful and always disappointed. I leave confused at whether it was a constructive experience or a further confusion. Maybe I should have a little faith that “when God sends a message to us through scripture it is never by accident. It always achieves the special purpose for which it was sent.”

Mark Lawrence work is really awesome. I love everything about his art…the textures… the color combinations. He uses digital sources to create or enhance his contemporary Christian abstract paintings. You can check out his profile and paintings at You can check out 54 of his creations at his gallery at You can access his exclusive website at
These are some of my favorites.

Exodus 16:4

Acts 2:17

The Gate of Heaven Genesis 28:17

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