Saturday, October 16, 2010

Digital Media and the Education System

Before digital media, the idea of using technology to enhance the school experience was not available. Now, every school I know of utilizes some type of technology or digital media to further engage the students into learning. Even before children enter school, the world of digital media affects them. From all the cartoon shows that have started to teach children, such as Dora the Explorer, and from the fun computer games that companies make to help enhance their learning ability before parents enter them in school, children today start learning certain things earlier than generations before.

When I was growing up, my elementary school used a computer program called Accelerated Reader to take quizzes on books we had read. We were able to get points when completing the quizzes, and it caused many students to get more interested in reading. Since this program was on the computer, it was an efficient and simple way to test students on their knowledge of certain books. Today, this program is still used, but it is not the only way elementary schools use digital media to help students learn. Some schools get the privilege of having a certain number of iPads in their classroom so they can install applications that help kids with what they are learning. This type of help really helps children engage in learning.

As I grew older and entered middle school and high school, digital media became more and more apparent. Not only did it help with research for certain subjects, it was a way for everyone to be informed. By the morning news, which I was a part of throughout my years of middle school and high school, students and teachers got information on whatever they needed to know about the day or upcoming events. Entering my junior and senior year of high school, applying to college was easier because of digital media. Everything I needed to know was available to me through a couple clicks of the mouse, and everything could be sent electronically so there would be no hassle for lost transcripts or applications.

As a student in college, I know now more than ever digital media is essential. Before 2004, students did not have the internet to sign up for classes, or get information for their classes. When professors decided to design websites for their students, it changed everything. Research is more easily found. If a student is unable to attend the class, the student can get the power points from the lecture online if needed. If changes are made, professors are able to let their students know prior. Students are now able to take online courses, which provide more flexible schedules for someone who has a full-time job, or have children. The list can go on and on for examples of how digital media has helped schools and students learn. Without digital media, I cannot imagine what the education system would be like. Digital media has made the system just much more efficient.

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