Sunday, October 31, 2010

Video games from entertainment to art

The gaming world has changed so much from the late 80's and 90's. From the simplest of games like Pong and Pac-man. To games of our time period like Halo and Madden. Games are in just about every home now and the audience goes from 5 years old to the elderly everyone plays games. In todays society we are all about expression in everything we do, everyone is trying to display there talents and artistic ability everywhere. With the help of HD televisions and high powered gaming devices that creativity and talent has found its way to the gaming world. Creating lovable characters and worlds that we disappear in as we play. Some play these games almost all day, the deep story lines that designers create totally absorb all of ones free time just to see what lies next around the corner. Some give up there personal relationships because they are so addicted by some games. The skill it takes for those programers to create some of the details they put on there characters and there environments. just like any painter or artist each stroke of a pencil or color from a brush has to be perfect. Just like with video game creators they have to convert there story and images to there digital canvas. they have to breath life into there characters, and warmth and environments from breath taking visuals to excellent sounds tracks. Video games to day not only do they make us smile and laugh, They are the works of our Leonardo Da Vinci of our time! An example i would like to use to show some of the power of art in video games is Super Mario Bros. Wii the reason I'm choosing this game is for the fact that its not on one of the HD gaming machines. Super Mario Wii take the usual characters found in the Mario franchise you play as Mario, Luigi, and a yellow and blue toadstool guy. This game takes the same side scrolling approach it did when it made its debut on the original Nintendo. Same characters just about and same story rescue Princes Peach. The characters were so well created that this game has been so close to so many of us for over 20 years now. There are very few things in the world today that is created by man and 20 years later create the same joy it did when it was first created. Art is why the video game industry has grown into what it is today!


  1. I agree with you completely that it takes someone with a lot of talent and creativity to create video games. I think that video games are a work of art.

  2. I couldn't agree more. I haven't really played video games since I was a kid--Donkey Kong, Mario, Sonic--so when I walk into a room nowadays and see someone playing a brand new game, I'm blown away by the graphics. Gaming systems have come a long way, there's no doubt about it.

  3. I know exactly where you are coming from. I don't play video games often, but I have three nephews that love them. The graphics on each new game are amazing, and seeing how characters such as Mario involve from the original game to now is mind-blowing. One of my sisters in my sorority is a digital engineer major (or something along those lines) and she spends some much time inventing a new character or new story line and some are even better than what I see now so I now the graphics in the future will be better than ever.
