Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Election Time or Bashing Time?

Have you noticed the newspaper, television, internet and radio political advertisements lately? Each candidate is bashing the other, there is so much mud slinging going around and negative talk about each person that Im turned off to voting for anyone. This Nation was on the brink of another "Great Depression" 12 months ago that we are still trying to recover from. These polititians want our votes but when they have the chance to say something encouraging or meaningful they use the opportunity to degrade their opponent.

How about using a 30 second commercial to let us know how your going to make improvements if elected, or how your going to lower taxes and mortgage rates, lower the crime and poverty rate, increase scholarships, lower gas prices, stabilize social security and retirement funds, and increase stimulus rebates.

These are some of the items that should be addressed instead of the political name game thats being advertised. In case you haven't heard heres a few of the adjectives most commonly used:

"lie", "cheat", "steal", "rob", "rude" "uncivil", "angry", "sneaky","thief", "dishonest" and my favorite, "I am not a witch," insists Delaware Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell. These guburnotorial candidates claim to be well educated, literate stand up citizens politicing for votes. I don't think showing meaness is a good way to achieve this.

I talked with some elders who say "this campaign is more nasty and negative than ever". For a change, I'd like to see an eloquent man/woman, with some class and knowledge about reform and the economics of America to benefit our great Nation by making the necessary changes voiced by the people.

1 comment:

  1. I do agree with this post. It seems like all politicians are concerned with is how horrible they can make their opponents look rather than how well they can make themselves look. This kind of political practice not only makes me NOT want to vote, but also shows the public a side of the candidates that is not very attractive. I saw an ad for Alex Sink that was talking about how Rick Scott was CEO of some company that was the center of a huge Medicaid fraud. Next, I saw an ad for Rick Scott that was talking about how Alex Sink was funneling money to her old company which I think was Bank of America. I don't know what either candidate plans to do for our state, all I know is that it seems neither one can be trusted. I think the reality is that EVERY political candidate is crooked in some way or another. Also, if they REALLY cared about the people they are going to serve, then how come they all get paid so much? Shouldn't a "public servant" get no more than the rest of the people they serve? Why don't we change their income to around $30,000 a year and see who is still willing to "serve the people?" The reality is that in the end, it's all about the money, and maybe the power. This of course is just an opinion, but judgeing from all the bashing going on, it's obvious they are no better than we are so what makes them qualified to tell the rest of us what to do? I still haven't found the answer to that question yet.
