Friday, July 25, 2014

There is an app for that..

 Let us continue on with Facebook as medium for advertising, creating leads and building a business via a social networking site. You will see some people posting on their personal time line about their business.

This can be a double edged sword in terms of the outcome; some people might feel like you are spamming them and unfriend or block your posts. A more creative and less in your face way would be to post things that are helpful to the person as it pertains to your profession.

 Example if you were a computer repair business you could give a daily tip on how they could keep their computer from being slowed down by malware etc.

 Posting funny and positive quotes, captions and pictures is also a good way to build goodwill with your FB friends. Three to five posts a day is good as long as they are spread throughout the day.

Best times for posting would be in the morning when people will be getting online to check email and FB before starting their day, lunchtime again for those who do not have access during work time and again in the evening. Latest demo graphs are showing that many posts are being done and seen between 9-11pm.

This may seem like a lot of work or time consumption to post this often to be seen as often as needed to be remembered for your expertise. Well my dear fellow digital media experts have no fear as there is an app for that, several actually.

Post planner, Hoote Suite and Buffer are some of the more popular apps for this task. These apps let choose what day and time you want a post to go out. You simply load up your content and the app will automatically post it for you. You can still make other post throughout the day if you wish.

This method of creating leads should be about 20% business posts with the 80% being the other humorous, positive quotes and content.

Marty Kreslin



  1. I have had a few people lately telling me to stop sending them stuff on Facebook. I see something I really want people to know about then I send it out to several people. I think this has gotten on a few peoples nerves. One of the things was for a lady trying to get a hospital here in Bay County for children with mental disabilities. One of the ladies I sent it to said "Quit sending me this crap" I really hope she did not bother even reading what I sent her because I was trying to help kids in need and hope she would not be mean to kids with mental problems.

  2. I think its a fine line on posting stuff to your personal FB as opposed to your business. I read somewhere though that the new Facebook algorithm is now not chronological showing you the lasted stuff on the news feed. So sometimes you may see things hours or days old. This too me could be a problem and it would almost seem wiser to just keep personal stuff personal and business stuff on business side. To me you will not be able to please everyone, everyday, it just will not happen. We all have our own opinions and just be careful on what you throw out there.
