Friday, July 4, 2014

5 Tips For Improving Your Blog Traffic

Are you envious of those blogs that seem to have thousands of readers and subscribers and who are getting the attention of major sponsors? Set aside your envy and pay careful attention.

Here’s what the big blogs do to grow their blog and how you can too:

Guest blog.  Guest blogging is a great way to build awareness of you and your blog and it generates incoming links to your blog. This in turn generates traffic.  

Post consistently and post often.  The biggest blogs post every single day.  Why is this such a great strategy?  Their readers create a habit of visiting their blog every day. This is huge.  Imagine your traffic if every single new person who visited your blog came back every single day?  Even having them visit once a week would be a dramatic increase.  Not to mention the fact that you’re climbing the search engine results with every blog post.  A wealth of content means value to your readers. 

Give your readers what they want.  Do you receive the most comments and visits for your controversial posts?  What about lists?  Reviews?  What posts are the most popular?  Analyze the engagement from your readers, your traffic stats and even do a poll.  Find out, pay attention and give your readers what they want. 

Make it easy for readers to follow you.  Make sure you make it easy for others to share you on social media but don't forget about social bookmarking sites like Digg and StumbleUpon. 

Establish your credibility and authority. This is done by writing and providing valuable, benefit driven, and informative content.  There is no other way.  Once you become a go to expert, your blogging audience will grow both by word of mouth and by recognition. 

Keep your blogging efforts consistent and you will see an increase in your traffic. 

Adam Siler


  1. I've also seen a lot of smaller blogs grow from cross-promotion with larger blogs, which I suppose could also fall under sharing it in a social bookmarking site.

  2. Just like most things in life mastering the basics will go along ways. You definitely fleshed out the basics in this article.
    Marty Kreslin.
