Friday, July 25, 2014

facebook for business

Undoubtedly Facebook has change the way advertising and lead generations being done today.

FB has very easy to use interface for creating ads. They have several different pathways for solutions to get you targeted customers for your demographic.

Your first decision will to be to decide what you want face book to for you. You must start by choosing if you want page post engagement, page likes, clicks to website, website conversions, app installs, app engagement, event responses, offer claims or video views. Most people want to drive traffic to a website.

 FB gives you the option of loading up six different pictures for split testing which picture converts into clicks. Your headline can be up to 25 characters long and the text can be no longer than 90 characters. Advanced options include news feed link and that can be up to 200 characters.

You are given a choice of different call to action buttons for the click through. Now this is where you can really dial in your customers. The audience section allows you to choose location by, country, state,/province, city or zip. You could just target Lynn Haven FL by using 32444.

You can choose your age group starting at 13 on up, gender can be male, female or both.  You have the option to choose which language your ads are in. Dialing down even deeper you can choose from education in terms of level, fields of study, schools undergrad years.

 In terms of jobs you can select from job titles such as Digital Media Professor, industries, office type. Financial allows you choose from income and net worth.  There are more categories you can select to refine your search such as home, ethnic affinity, generation, parents, and politics along with life events. This is just scratching the surface of how specific you can get with your audience search.

 As you build out your audience search FB has a cool widget that that shows you how defined your audience is and the number of people in that reach you have.

Next time we will be exploring more of successful Facebook advertising in the next post as we delve deeper in demographics and time parting.


Marty Kreslin



  1. I created a Facebook page when I ran for city commissioner last year. I still post one it every once and a while. They send me emails sometimes saying if I spend ten dollars a day they will promote it more. Since I am not a current candidate I can not do anything that has fees associated with the page but once I fill out the paperwork in October I will spend money on my Facebook page all the way up until the election. Other politicians and businesses do the same thing. The more they pay Facebook the more exposure their page gets.

  2. Facebook has begun making some major shifts when it comes to business advertising since the google has done stuff to pull businesses w// google plus and hangouts search engine are gettin great results when your use them.

  3. I agree that Google + appears ahead of the FB Business side. Although its seems that FB has more business clients than G+. So its a catch 22 i guess. But what FB has done and appears to be doing with business, could be a huge hit. The fact that FB is making huge bank on these boost post adds and such is a clever idea by Facebook. Its also awesome to be able to target your ads right down to the location of where you want it to run. Internet Advertising is always fun and interesting business to watch. FB appears to be having great success with this.
