Shark In LAKE ONTARIO!!! Viral marketing video causes a stir.
Discovery Canada President said the idea was to create some buzz for an upcoming TV show on Discovery called Shark Week. There was no intent to cause terror or from having people not enter the lake. Once the team realized the panic had set in, Discovery wanted to to come clean on the marketing effort they had setup with Nissan and calm everyone's fear. The shark in the video was an actual model and not a real live shark.
What’s clear, experts say, is that Discovery’s shark campaign did reach part of advertising’s holy grail: awareness spread via social-media sharing and water-cooler chat — in this case about the possibility or improbability of sharks in the lake. So in this case the marketing grouped engineered a viral video, that ended up provoking anger and upset people, which was not the intent of the marketing group.Which led them to come clean about the video, before any more harm was done or the negativity came back and hurt the Discovery brand. Marketers and advertisers will keep pushing the limits to try to make people sit up and take notice, but in this case it took a wrong turn and Discovery had to step in.
Press Release by Bell Media out of Canada confirms video is a Hoax. Promo for Nissan and Discovery Channel Shark Week coming in August. (Press Release)
~Brandon S.