Thursday, December 5, 2013

Cyber Monday

Cyber Monday has come and gone. How many of you took advantage of the sales? The great advantage of Cyber Monday is not having to fight the crowds but people are still "fighting" to get to the deals first before the stores sell out of the number they are offering. My sister-in-law was online at as soon as their sales started. She selected the items she wanted and put them in her "cart". There were so many customers shopping that the site was bogged down. By the time the site was working well, some of the items she had put in her "cart" were already sold out.

Many stores offered special deals and let people know early what was going to be on sale. Some stores even started their Cyber Monday sales on Saturday. This youtube video,, discussed the deals many of the stores would offer and how the sales would work. This way customers can be prepared with what they want to buy that is going to be on sale but there could still be the problems of the site being overwhelmed with customers and not being able to handle them all. I still think that it is worth it to shop this way instead of going to the stores and facing the pushing and shoving of people.

Patricia Holzman

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