Monday, December 9, 2013

Car Manufacturers and the new "Always Connected" Era

By: Kyle Woods

Amazingly, Nissan has broken into the SmartWatch business before not only any other car manufacturer, but Apple as well. In what seems like the next step for technology within vehicles, they have focused its features on being connected to the car (of course). I would sooner expect for there to be Smart-technology elsewhere than someone's vehicle, but its only a matter of time, right?
Sadly the watch is only currently available to those that drive Nissan's "Nismo" line of high-performance vehicles. I do feel that soon enough this might turn into a trend that the rest of the vehicle market follows, as having everything connected seems to be the way of the future. However, this watch can do and tell you a lot by being connected to the vehicle, as well as being on your wrist.

Nissan Europe’s general manager of marketing communications Gareth Dunsmore mentioned that "Wearable technology is fast becoming the next big thing and we want to take advantage of this innovative technology to make our Nismo Brand more accessible." at a Motor Show in Frankfurt this past September. The device to my knowledge seems to be geared toward the high-end vehicle driver, as is specifically for Nissan's Nismo series of vehicles and from the information it is tasked to display. The SmartWatch can analyze a vehicles performance while also providing other pertinent information such as current/top/average speed, heart rate of the driver, fuel efficiency and other biometric data through a bluetooth connection.
Though, the biggest aspect that the watch has going for it might be the social media integration. Nissan's SmartWatch will allow a user to be notified of messages to their various accounts and devices, as well as be able to compare, post and share their logged data to their social media account page. The device will even give you tips and alerts based upon the local weather!
In my own humble opinion, the focus on the connection between the user and the vehicle allows Nissan to offer a lot to new drivers. I cannot forget to mention that this is only at the development stages of this type of technology, so once the ideas start flowing I'm sure there is going to widespread interest and use of technology like this. Good job Nissan, and thumbs up for continuing to step up the game!
Images: via Google Image Search

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