Thursday, September 26, 2013

XBOX One VS. PS4 The new age of console wars

                The next generation of console wars is about to begin.  When dual juggernauts of the industry both release new consoles in November, it’s sure to spark a big debate.  The Sony PS4 is releasing on November 15th and the Xbox One a week later on November 22nd.  So which console is better?
 Well that’s debatable.  For me it’s the Xbox One, first and foremost for me is the controller.  I know this is the biggest issue for either side of this war.  Sony fans hate the Xbox controller.  Xbox fans hate the Sony controller. So chalk that one up to personal preference on which design you personally like better. There has also been a long term debate for online experience.  Sony has always had an advantage because they do not charge for their online service……well until the PS4 comes out that is.  As Sony has announced they will now charge for the online service.  What about hardware?  Well honestly in this day and age the competition is even both consoles are very capable systems that can deliver the next generation of gaming.  So much so that both systems even use the same company (AMD) for their graphics processors, so in this war what really is the factor that stands out?
(401(K) 2012: Flickr)
  PRICE! The PS4 is releasing with a price tag of $399 while for some reason the Xbox One is releasing with a price tag of $499.  A bold move by a company with such a comparable competitor launching a week earlier and at $100 cheaper, so bold that this lifetime Xbox fan and extremely anti Playstation gamer is seriously considering purchasing a PS4 rather than a Xbox one. I have yet to fully decide on my purchase yet, I waiting to get better knowledge on launch titles before my decision is made. However, at this point I’m leaning to PS4 based on price, let’s face it, aside from controller these systems are pretty much the same so why am I paying an extra $100 to buy the Xbox one? Please Microsoft someone tell me why I should do that! I really do not want to have to adapt to the PS4 controller!

J.D.  ( Jonathon Muszynski )

DIG 2000

Monday, September 23, 2013

What I Want to See in Kingdom Hearts 3

It was announced at the E3 game convention the KH3 is now in the works, however in recent times it has been speculated that it will be some time before the game is officially released. Until then let’s speculate and dream about what this long awaited game holds.


Ever since KH2 Square Enix has been pushing a number of spinoff games, Birth by Sleep, Dream Drop Distance(3D), and so on. I believe were meant to deepen the story and lead up to the long awaited third game. To that end I want this game to give the closer that Fans like myself have been waiting nearly ten years for.  Who are the Thirteen Seekers of Darkness that Master Xehanort has gathered to wage a new Keyblade War? Who are the Seven Lights that will face them?


When I was playing KH2 the one thing that bugged me was that all the high level bosses kept using powerful super moves and the closest thing I hand to that was the combo attacks with the partners form each world I visited. In the spinoffs super moves were added and in some cases the player could unlock new ones. One form of these super moves I want to see return is Keyblade-Morphing. First used by the Lingering Will in KH Final Mix, he was able to transform his Keyblade into various forms that could deal massive damage, like a giant cannon, a hearken-like weapon, and even a vehicle that can travel to other worlds. This skill added with the idea that each Keyblade gathered along the way will have different morphing ablities attached to them would make the Keyblades far more useful than simple statistics and one small ability.



Aladdin and the King of Thieves

Agrabah has been a spot on Sora’s journey from the beginning and I see no reason not why Sora and friends should not be invited Aladdin’s wedding.

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

This movie is one of my top favorites and would love go back there in KH3.



Like you didn’t see this one coming. Marvel would be awesome, and I like the idea DAVE37 posted on DeviantArt .

Star Wars

Of course I want to see this one. Sora and friend fighting side-by-side with Luke and Han to destroy the Death Star.

Poasted By James T Parsons

Friday, September 20, 2013

READY, SET, TWEET!, 5 Basics of Twitter


5 Basics of Twitter

Social media is certainly her to stay, and including Twitter into your daily dose can be fun, informative and profitable. The keys to success are knowledge and participation and the basics of getting started are really quite simple.

Log into

● First you will have to set up an account and choose a Twitter name (limited to 15 characters). This is much like your user id in many online applications. This can include your actual name or variations of it, a business name, or be anonymous. 

● Insert a picture of you (called an avatar) and spend the time to write a brief bio, this lets others know a little bit about yourself. Unless you are a business, an actual picture that is identifiable is most appropriate and helpful.

● Choose who to follow. This may sound simple, but many people in the Twitterverse tweet way too much! I have personally quit following people who tweet and re-tweet so much that others I’m following are lost in the list. Friends on Facebook, family and professional people or businesses are a good place to start. On your home page and under “Who to Follow” there will always be suggestions but you have the option to search and follow only those you choose.

● Hashtags (#) You will see many tweets with this symbol, and a word attached with no spaces. The purpose of the hashtag is to make finding the same relevant information easy by identifying it using a keyword. Examples of hashtag keywords include events, news, brands, teams and a million more. Try searching for your favorite sports team using the hashtag name entry. (#miamidolphinfootball).

● Tweet! First, your message must only contain 140 characters so keep it simple. Second, grammar and punctuation are out the window in tweeting. Abbreviate and shorten your words without making your message totally alien. From your home page click in the area identified with “compose new tweet”, write your message and click the tweet button. Click on the gear icon, top left on the home page, to send a direct message to someone following you. Using the @theirtwittername at the beginning of your tweet directs it only to them, and visible only to you as a sender and the recipient.

So with the basics in hand your new adventure into the online Twitterverse is awaiting you.

Karen Bellman dig2000

Scripting and Storyboarding: Essential Video/Animation Production Steps

Scripting and Storyboarding: Essential Video/Animation Production Steps

Whether you are telling a story with video or animation, two important steps will improve the flow and quality of your finished project: Scripting and Storyboarding. Just like would not start a cross country drive without basic directions or maps, you should not start shooting a video or creating an animation without scripting and storyboarding.

Scripting Most of us are familiar with the word manuscript and associate it with movies and plays. Originally used in 1571, Webster defines manuscript as “: the original copy of a play, book, piece of music, etc., before it has been printed.” Scripting comes from the word manuscript and is defined the same except in today’s digital world very few are hand written. As the idea for a movie or play is being developed, the videographer/author will use a script to layout the story. The script is in such a format as to let all those involved understand the whole concept of the project from the scene settings down to the spoken details, essentially a blueprint for the flow of the story including things like scene information and character attire. By scripting a video or animation, you reduce the unnecessary information and can better predict the length of the final project.


Storyboarding  Storyboards are graphic organizers in the form of illustrations or images displayed in sequence for the purpose of visualizing a video or animation. The storyboarding process, in the form it is known today, was developed at the Walt Disney Studio during the early 1930s.

Once the story is written, the real fun begins! Take the time to storyboard your video or animation, it will keep you focused and save time in the long run. You do not have to be an artist to create your storyboard. Here is a great example for your viewing.

A great place to start organizing your video or animation is a professional online program called Celtx. You have 15 free days in the trial version and can decide from there if it is worth spending your hard earned $’s on. I may sound like an advertisement, but as an artist some tools that can make our jobs easier are worth the investment.


Karen Bellman, gcscdigmedia

Friday, September 13, 2013

Motorcycle Safety Awareness

Highway Safety Responsibilities we all have as users of the roadways.

Every motorist and motorcyclist alike should always “share the road” conscientiously and courteously to help prevent motorcycle crashes which remain one of the most prevalent causes of death and injury on Panama City and Panama City Beach Florida roadways and across the nation.

Motorcyclists are about 30 times more likely to die in a crash than passenger vehicle occupants according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA, whether you are driving the family sedan, an SUV, a school bus, a delivery van, or an 18-wheeler, drivers should always be on
the lookout for motorcyclists.

Drivers must be aware that a motorcycle, is one of the smallest of vehicles on the road, and can be “hiding” in your vehicle’s blind spots. Always check blind spots, use mirrors and signal before changing lanes or making turns.

Motorcyclists have responsibilities too. All motorcycle riders should obey all traffic laws and be properly licensed, alert to other drivers, be as conspicuous as possible at all times, never ride impaired, distracted, or under the influence of drugs or alcohol, additionally riders should always wear a Department of Transportation compliant helmet (DOT) marking on helmet and other protective gear or protective clothing. Riding smart and riding safe are the motorcyclists operators greatest responsibility and even more so if you have a passenger on the back seat if your motorcycle is so equipped.

Do Remember, a motorcycle is a vehicle with all of the rights and privileges of any other motor vehicle. The person under that helmet could be a mother, brother, doctor, college professor, or friend.
Do Always allow a motorcyclist the full lane width - never try to share a lane.
Do Perform a regular visual check for motorcycles by checking mirrors and blind spots before entering or exiting a lane of traffic, and at intersections.
Do Always signal your intentions before changing lanes or merging with traffic.
Do Allow more following distance - three or four seconds - when behind a motorcycle to give the motorcyclist time to maneuver around obstacles in the roadway, or stop in an emergency.

Don’t be fooled by a flashing turn signal on a motorcycle – motorcycle signals are often not self-canceling like cars or trucks and riders sometimes forget to turn them off. Wait to be sure the motorcycle is going to turn before you proceed;

All Motorcyclists can increase their safety by:
1. Wearing a DOT-compliant helmet.
2. Using turn signals for every turn or lane change, even if the rider thinks no one will see it.
3. Signaling intentions by combining hand signals and turn signals to draw more attention to themselves.
4. Wearing brightly colored protective gear, and using reflective tape and stickers to increase being conspicuous and readily seen. Fluorescent green, yellow, and orange are excellent colors for increased visibility.
5. Positioning themselves in the lane where they will be most visible to other drivers;
6. Never riding while impaired.

The message to all drivers and motorcyclists is to help to share in the responsibility of keeping all road users safe, and do your part by safely sharing the road. Watch for motorcycles they are everywhere!
WARNING: Don't ever ride like the dangerous riders in this video.
Cary Deeter Sr.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The sudden emergence of “Vine”

    Where did the app “Vine” come from! I am usually a person I consider to be “in the know” of new trends, and the next popular thing.  However, even I had no clue about “Vine”. This site has literally come out of nowhere and is now posed to be the next biggest video app around.  Vine first was released as a free app on iOS systems in January 2013, with an android version being released in June 2013.  Since it was released it has skyrocketed through cell phone to cell phone being downloaded by thousands. 

     So what exactly is the reason behind the sudden emergence of this video sharing app?  To me the answer is simple, it’s quick and easy, things that everyone wants in this current generation.  Vine limits the video to a mere 7 seconds, actually 7.5 seconds, but who’s counting.  Just about everyone out there has time for a 7 second video clip, especially if it will make you laugh, which A LOT of Vine’s videos tend to do.  I also think Vine benefited early on from the users who put up amazingly produced 7 second videos.  Videos that had people watching over and over and over! I can’t tell you how many times I have pressed the reload button multiple times to keep watching a simple 7 second clip of someone doing something completely funny and outrageous.  Thinking to myself “why did I do that “. 

     Vine also gives the user exposure, people are allowed to share and comment on all the videos.  There are even a few elite posters on vine that do videos all the time, giving them I would bet, a sense of fame.  If even in the social media world, which makes vine personable.  Add in the ease of use and only 7 seconds of dedication from watchers and you are bound to have a hit. Vine has become so popular that companies are now doing 7 second videos to advertise their products.  I guess you could call them mini-commercials.  Just another totally free form of Internet Marketing!  Don’t you just love the new age of technology!

 Jonathon David Muszynski