Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Wreck-It Ralph In the Blogosphere

While the new animated Disney film Wreck-It Ralph generated record breaking activity in the box office, it also generated buzz in the blogosphere.  Gaming enthusiasts and moviegoers alike were strongly driven to express their thoughts about this ground breaking film via their own online journal of sorts we know as the blog.  Blogs have become a great tool allowing anyone to be able to get an idea of the general reaction and thoughts about virtually anything, from movies to events in the news.  Despite the countless individual impressions of the movie posted in various places all over the internet, a general pattern emerges in the responses.  Most bloggers agree with the movie critics that gave the work high marks which tells of its achievement in providing an entertaining adventure fitting for all ages.  

Bloggers seem to agree that the film was so powerful because it explores a world in which video game characters, beloved in both the past and present, work and experience struggles that audiences can relate to.  Disney has recognized the timelessness of games that have entertained, whether 8-bit or high definition, for decades.  Perhaps the timing could not have been better, as games have become so accessible and are a permanent fixture in most homes across the country and beyond.  This accessibility has allowed for the generation of not only infatuation but obsession centered around gaming.  Although the movie obviously appeals to gamers, young and old, Disney has created characters and a plot so relatable that all can be moved by the story.  As one blogger explains: "What Wreck-It Ralph does better than most movies that seem to target a specific audience (in the case of Wreck-It Ralph; gamers) is Wreck-It Ralph's story can easily appeal to all." 

Other gaming bloggers commend the creators' great understanding of the gaming world and its many endearing aspects as "the video game references permeate throughout and take a good movie and make it extra special" (blogger fantaffx) .  Another eloquently exclaims that the producers and directors'  "intimate knowledge with their subject makes Wreck-It Ralph a cut above your typical family oriented cartoon by allowing the video gaming details to elevate the lessons contained within".       

This brings us to the point most agreed upon in the blogosphere: that the movie is very touching and conveys many powerful lessons.  Another blogger hits on the important themes in the film by comparing Wreck-It Ralph with the real business world.  He derives lessons for entrepreneurs from a film dismissed by some as a kid's movie: "The real-world lesson is actually quite obvious here: Teams can't excel unless all the pieces are working together."  A more bubbly blogger writes "It is touching and heartwarming (i'm not gonna lie, i had tears streaming down my face at the end) and conveys a really good message".  Ultimately, all agreed that it was a movie with great heart.  

From all these responses, it is safe to say that Wreck-It Ralph was a hit and we didn't have to leave our home to determine the response of its global audience.   

Do you think that these numerous impressed bloggers would convince you or others to see the film?

Related Blog Pages/Resources:

-Ashlen McWhorter

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