Friday, November 16, 2012

Technology and Digital Media How Far It Has Come

Digital marketing has come a long way in the past decade, as we’ve moved beyond putting existing materials online and learned how to really harness the native advantages of digital technologies. The pace of change continues on a day to day basis if not minute to minute. For instance Facebook and Twitter is the most useful social media today.   The CEO of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg gave a mission statement - "to give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected”.                            




How true this is.  It’s amazing that you are able to communicate on Facebook or Twitter thousands of miles away from each other.  During hurricane Sandy, this is how many families and friends kept up to date on what was going on.  In the past this would have taken several days to weeks to get in touch with a loved one.  With new technology you are able to watch your children and or grandchildren grow in front of your very eyes the moment they reach a milestone.  You are able to capture the moment immediately.  How awesome is this!!

You are able to see what is happening all over the world with the new phones that are now available in many different styles.  You are actually able to connect to a person via different media’s in just a matter of seconds.  Who would have believed this could be a reality 15 years ago.

Zuckerberg wrote his goal to "rewire" the way people spread and consume information via the social graph. The social graph isn't just an engineering schematic with a billion nodes and petabytes of data to mine for revenue, a billion people with real identities making trillions of connections on Facebook. They are the most used social media outlets to keep in touch with everything from breaking news to what is happening across the world.  Years ago this would have cost a fortune to talk to a loved one.                                   


Posted by Debra Hoving

1 comment:

  1. Technology really has helped in the ways of communication. My parents and I regularly talk to my aunt and uncle in Colorado through Logitech on our television. We can see them in their living room and they can see us in ours. It sure is a faster way to communicate verses handwritten letters. Sometimes I worry though how much we as a society rely on technology and social media though. In cases where power is out and their is no internet, it would seem like we are in a black hole. Its hard to go anywhere where their is not some way to have internet access. I never would have thought how connected the world seems to be. Technology sure has its benefits and comes in handy. It just keeps growing and changing every day.
    -Kendall Fagan
