Wednesday, November 7, 2012

America Chooses!

Well I have to say I am disappointed in America today.  We have chosen a path that may lead us to the likes of Greece, France, and Spain.  Hopefully, America will heal and our children will know the America we have known up until now.  I would like to say that I think it is very detrimental to the country when you have people working for the gov't promising things to people for votes, especially when it comes from the money of other people.  We have become a nation of theives and takers, living off the wealth of the few in hopes to maintain a meager life of existance.  When we look at our children, are we proud?  Are we sure their future is bright?  I can honestly say No! 

With Jan. 1st on its way, and our increased taxes and sequestration kicks in, who will save us? A President, that believes in taking and spending? A Congress, that believes in nothing but filling their pockets with the people's money? Or the People, that believe in......well I just don't know any more.
Can America fall?  That is the real question!  Right now we have more debt per person than Greece, we have a gov't that has expanded at an exponential rate, people rely more on gov't than themselves.  What does this all mean?  Is there Hope?  Is this Change really taking us Forward? All I can say is that I have lived in the greatest country in the world, America exceptionalism is what makes the world take notice.

If we become like every other country, then what?  When Atlas Shrugs, who will take their place?  I know a lot of questions, a grimm outlook.  I think it has come to this, with our stagnant economy and welfare mentality what do we do? 

My god save the USA!

Christopher Todd


  1. I agree 100% with what you said. I too am very disappointed. Heaven help us through this and maybe we will come out on the other end still in tact.

  2. "We have become a nation of theives and takers, living off the wealth of the few in hopes to maintain a meager life of existance."

    This, to me, was the most telling part of your post. I'll start out by saying up front that we have very different political view points. So let's just get that out of the way. I'm sure we'd disagree on a lot of key issues. Moving forward. Yes.

    But is it so wrong for a person to want to "exist"?? Even if they're poor? Or on TANF (what's commonly known as welfare) or food stamps? Should they simply roll over and wait to die? Would you have their children starving in the streets? Now is this hyperbole? To a certain degree. But there is such vitriol and spite directed towards any one receiving any sort of assistance that it astounds me.

    I'd like to point out that a significant number of veterans, guard members, and active duty enlisted personnel receive assistance in the form of food stamps or disability checks. Are they thieves and takers? Not to mention the elderly who rely on very minimal social security payments to ensure that they're able to eat from day to day and have a roof over their heads. They've paid into the system all their lives for the most part. Are they thieves and takers?

    Also, are you aware that you have to be working, looking for work, taking job training or volunteering somewhere to even receive food stamps? Most people don't realize that, but to get food stamps, unless you're disabled or elderly, you have to be working (or those other working related activities I just mentioned) or you'll be booted from the program.

    As a society, we seem to have no problem with massive government grants/bailouts for insanely wealthy businesses. But give food money to a single mother, and you're encouraging dependence, deviance, and the breakdown of the American way. In my opinion, I think that that's a clear sign that our priorities are very, very skewed.

    Now you also mentioned Objectivism with your Atlas Shrugged comment, which I'm not going to touch with a 10 foot pole as I think Miss Rand was in the wrong about just about everything. But I would like you to consider for a moment, exactly what our country would be like if magically tomorrow all the social safety nets were removed. Many of our most weak citizens would soon be casualties - our elderly, our infants, our disabled. Disease, starvation, neglect, death - for those without family help that's what they could look forward to. Crime would skyrocket. Desperation makes people take desperate measures when it comes to feeding their kids. In short, it would be like being back in the Great Depression. Which is EXACTLY why these social programs were put in place. Because the government recognized that it can not maintain a healthy country when vast swathes of population are underfed, sick, jobless, and having a difficult time "just existing".

    My two cents.
    - Natasha Phelps

    1. I don't get how we all call ourselves patriots and Americans, but respect our president or our fellow man that needs a helping hand. Where would we be if we didn't care about the next man? If it was every man for himself? It would be far worse than it is now. I like the point you made about military members being on government assistance. I was one of those people. It help my family out immensely. You just don't make enough as an E-1 - E-3. That's why they have barracks and chow halls. The " I gotta get mine" mentality is the biggest problem we have more than anything. I never seen so many unpatriotic patriots in my life. I work at the navy dive center in Panama city and there are people with flag buttons on them wearing them upside down in protest to Obama and the government. Yet these are the same people who called Obama the anti-christ and a non-patriot for not putting his hand over his heart during a national anthem. If Obama would've worn a pin withthe flag upside down people would be calling for his head.

    2. The problem is there is not distinction betwee those that need and those that don't. How do we truly help all of those that need, when there is a large number that are scamming the system? When the money runs out it will be the ones that need the help who are hurt the worst. The system has to be reformed, but the moment someone say we need to make the system better they are vilified for trying to cut the program or end someone's benefits. I will say we are not a nation of "every man for themselves", but we do celebrate individual accomplishments. Because if everyone were responsible we wouldn't have nearly the problems we have today.


  3. I don't disagree with some of what you are saying, I don't object to giving gov't assistance to those that NEED it. But we now live in a society that some people don't need it yet the gov't has no problem giving to and even tell people, "hey, come get your check". There is a sort of fellowship whether it be charity, church, or a number of things that can help the needy. But when the gov't says don't worry we have you, and then picks people out and takes their money, then yes I have a problem. And that is what this election was about, big gov't "socialist" vs. free enterprise. When people are spending foodstamps on cruises we have issues. And my comment was not directed at people with legitimate needs, but when people revolve their lives around getting assistance because it is easier than a job or because a job is inconvenient to their lives, then we have a problem. I have worked hard my whole life, I am a veteran of two wars, still I live in a country where hard work is truly punished because of a notion of "everyone together", "shared prosperity", "fair share". No where do they say "hard work pays off", "opportunity knocks", "the American Dream". And the work requirements for Food Stamps was changed by Obama, so the classification of work is not so much work. My Atlas Shrugged comments come from a view that when we continue to villify those that achieved greatness and provide for many, they will eventually stop. We are in this together but we are also individuals, thus responsibility falls on everyone not just some.

    Chris Todd

  4. I have to say that I do agree with most all points made by Natasha and Darryl. I am not very intelligent when it comes to economics, but it does seem to me that the President IS trying. What people fail to acknowledge is that he cannot make changes when he has a Republican Congress that blocks everything he tries to do, then when it doesn't go through, and we are down to all these deadlines while Congress is out taking vacations paid for with our tax dollars, Obama still gets the blame. I dare say the Republican party, and my parents were some of them, (I will return to that point in just a moment), are more concerned with possibly giving up some of their richly padded bank accounts than with solving America's problems. They would rather reach deep into the pockets of the middle class, the elderly, veterans and disabled and take from them than to pay a little more taxes on their millions. What I really don't understand is the fact that, like my parents, who were poor, by the way, who were from the South, the entire Romney electoral votes came from those very people who were going to pay the most had he been elected. It mystifies me that they don't seem to understand that. My Mother was a Bush fan until the day she died and, bless her heart, she never understood one thing that he was doing to our country, she just had blind faith. I cannot believe that there are ads on TV that are the same ones that ran the entire campaign, bashing Obama, saying we can't last another four years. The election is over, people. Suck it up. Pray that those people in Washington reach across the aisles and actually work together, put our country's needs first, and honestly try to bring this one nation, under God, back to its greatness.

  5. My name is Sheri Botzong, and I failed to post it under my reply. I am so sorry. Guess I just got a little carried away!

  6. Now that we've had a month to reflect and come to terms with the election, its time for the folk who are discontent with the results to show if they are truly patriots, or just hide behind the word patriotism to meet their goals and objectives. I did 26 years in the military and served both democrat and republican presidents. And while my views on most topics tilts towards the liberal side, I'm not ashame to say I've voted both democrat and republican since turning 18 in 1984. Moreover, I was not necessarily fond of G.W. Bush, but I supported him as commander-in-chief. What is glaringly certain is never has their been as much unpatriotic venom spewed as when President Obama was first elected, and now his second term. The election is over; at this point shouldn't both sides work together for what is best for all of our country's citizens. The biggest thing in the news right now is the fiscal cliff, and instead of working together, many politicians are only concerned with their prospective futures in politics and keeping their billionaire supporters happy. What about the common everyday person...the person who is currently working but need the government assistance (you condemn) to take care of there family. All across this nation it is hard not to notice, that for some (or even most) of the anti-Obama supporters, it goes beyond seems almost personal. I say either get on the boat and make a difference, or keep promoting your type of patriotism.

    Melvin Pitt
