Saturday, December 10, 2011

Being a Kick A** Female Gamer

My first gaming experience was with the original Nintendo and the classic combination game of Super Mario/Duckhunt/Track with the running pad.  It was an experience soon followed up by the first Nintendo Gameboy with black and white graphics.  It was amazing! 

In middle school SEGA was the system to have and Mortal Kombat was the game to play.  I learned then that beating boys was so much fun!  At the time I was almost always the only girl gamer in a room full of boys who thought I was just a harmless little girl.  And I demolished them! 

I also started playing Madden and NBA Jams because talking about games, especially sports games was a great way to meet guys.  I actually learned the rules of football and basketball from playing these games.  Can you tell where my main focus was in school??

Many, many years later I am a mom of two boys, who love to game.  The system of choice for me is the Playstation 3 and yes, still the Nintendo handhelds.  Mario is still one of my favorite casual games and I love playing games with my boys.

Of course gaming has changed quite a bit especially with on-line gaming.  Being able to play with people all over the world is exciting and challenging.  The gaming world is still filled mostly with male gamers.  Most of the best selling games are violent and intense, made more so by testostrone driven gamers.  Call of Duty is the apex of this field.  I usually love playing on-line games, Resistance is one of my favorite series of games.  You get to work together with other gamers and achieve goals, which you supposedly are supposed to do in Call of Duty, but the focus of this game seems to be destroying your opponents games and their self esteem as well.   Being a female gamer is even harder.  First off I always have guys thinking I'm a little boy, secondly when they find out I really am a grown woman I usually get hit on, continuously.  Then if that wasn't bad enough, when I make any mistake at all I am blasted by insults and sexually demeaning remarks.  I love playing with friends, and I love to kill idiots who verbally assult me.  A lot of things have changed since my first gaming experience, but I still love being a Kick A** Female Gamer!

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