Monday, December 12, 2011

Automated Driving System

Today we have Traffic control systems that help process the flow of traffic to reduce traffic jams and maintain them more efficiently. They do so by controlling stop lights and other traffic control equipment. You may notice this when you approach a light and it turns green very fast.
Based on my experience of being a victim to car accidents, near misses, and being stuck in traffic. I believe an automated car driving system would be beneficial for both traffic and safety. It would be similar to the movie “iRobot”. Cars would be driving themselves by control of a computer. Since everything is maintained and monitored, speed limits could be raised and fewer accidents would occur because people fail to obey traffic laws.

Cars may also be given the choice to drive manually this way as well, since the cars will be monitored it will track and predict moments, letting other cars be aware of what’s to come so they can adjust. This will help reduce accidents and the love of driving out in the open road won’t be lost!
Also since cars will be further computerized you can connect your car to a wireless device such as a Smartphone. From you phone you can tell you car to pick you up. The hassle of walking through a parking lot, or running in and out of the rain to your car will be no more. Or let’s say one of your car’s breaks down and you have another across town, you can tell it to come get you. Controlling your car from your Smartphone or wireless device opens up several new options.
Downsides from this invention would be a risk of a computer glitch and a catastrophic accident occurring. Also taxi drivers and other drivers may lose their jobs. Job loss is something our economy can’t afford. However the computer system that maintains traffic will need to be monitored in case of issues or maintenance. So thousands of new jobs would open, but determining whether the job gain will outweigh job loss would be unpredictable.
Whether or not this system is a good idea, it’s at least something that very interesting enough to give it a try and take the risk.

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