Saturday, November 12, 2011

Netflix vs. the Video Store

Movies are a popular thing that people like to watch for fun or for when they have free time on their hands. For several years, going to the video store to rent movies was a good idea because it’s much cheaper than having to pay twenty dollars to view a movie.

The average price to rent a movie is $3.99-$4.99 at a video store. At Netflix they give a great deal that lets you rent or stream an unlimited amount of movies from $7.99 or $9.99 a month! You would also think that mailing in movies is a downside of the deal because usually to mail something in takes a week or so, but Netflix delivers movies surprisingly fast. Netflix also benefits from not having late fees, but has an incentive that if you want more movies you have to turn your previous one in to get the next on your viewing list. Their online streaming service instantly streams videos to your device as well if waiting for it to come in the mail isn’t satisfactory, and this also saves a trip to the video store. Having to use up gas, walk back and forth down aisles, and stand in line. So much time and money is saved!

Though Netflix’s great deals have help expand their company into a multimillion dollar franchise, they've done so by taking Blockbuster’s, Movie Gallery’s and other video stores business and forced them to close down. Their deals have also help them expand into several different marketing platforms such as gaming consoles, DVR’s, blue ray players, and mobile devices. Their actions have set the bar and created a new form of media people come to expect. Companies such as Blockbuster, Hulu, and now Amazon are trying to join the online video streaming war with the same low prices.

Redbox is also a top competitor for renting movies. You just run down to the nearest location and rent some movies for a dollar each. And though times are changing and the way things get done is evolving, it still was fun to run down to the video store and pick out some movies to watch. Sure Netflix has some very great benefits and made a huge impact on the video market, but it feels like they closed down grocery stores and if you want groceries you have the benefit of ordering them online.

However this change is for the good, the economy is rough and we could all use a break from high prices.

All in all movies make good business and draw in a lot of revenue, but people are more likely to rent if the price and deals are right.


  1. I'll admit it, my laziness known no bounds. I have a netflix account, but it seems that I am constantly finding un-returned red envelopes all around my house. I use the instant feature more frequently (despite its dissapointing selection), but when I want a movie, I don't wait the 3 days to get it from Netflix and just hit the Redbox instead. I think I've been to an actual video store once in the last 4 years, and that was because we absolutly HAD to watch Airplane and it was 11:00 at night and Redbox just doesn't carry that amazing classic. Granted, I was surprised to find that the rental itself was only $1 for one night (an effort to compete, I suppose) but I still don't see myself going back very often. I think video stores are a dying art.

  2. I am ashamed to say that I have not rented a movie is such a while - a year before Blockbuster closed it doors! I guess you could say that I should purchase a DVR, because I seldom watch television. I am glad you chose to compare Netflix against the former video rental store; it has given me insight into netflix and redbox. Who knows, you may have inspired me to try netflix, low monthly fee and direct streaming of movies! sounds like a winner.

  3. I actually enjoyed having netflix on my gaming system. Even though they're wasn't thousands of choices like others. It still did the job where I could sit and relax and watch a tv show or a nice movie. It really is conveinent and reliable which is why it's so appealing to me.

  4. Great article. I agree, Netflix is probably the best deal when it comes to renting movies at a more than reasonable price. Redbox is good but I can order movies, TV shows, etc. without ever leaving the couch with Netflix. I love that I can play games, and watch movies all on my XBOX 360 console.

  5. I really enjoy things like GameFly, Netflix, and Redbox now and I know that Netflix and everything is no much cheaper now...but I still miss going into a movie store and getting any movie that I wanted at the time. I just, miss the experience that I got. It's something that this generation will never get to experience or any of our children in the future. It's cool that we've gotten so far, but then it's sad at the same time.

    Great article none the less! :)
