Monday, November 14, 2011

The World of Adobe Master Collection

As I sat in the computer lab I wondered what allowed me to complete my assignments for class. The answer was so obvious, yet it alluded me for days. Of course i'm kidding. It's the wonderful collection of software programs that Adobe has created for the continually advancing world of technology that we live in. You can't miss one if you're looking in the aisle of a store when you see that they cost from a few hundred dollars to a thousand dollars. These prices can make your eyes pop out of your head in astonishment and amazement. And I'm not talking about the good kind of expressions either. The difficult thing to do is look past the prices, but once you do that; you are on your way to discovering a whole new world with graphics to animations to basically everything. So on that note, lets dive in to basic programs that I myself have used.

Adobe Flash Professional CS5. I've been using this program alot while in taking 2D animation which i'm sure most of you who are reading this are currently enrolled in it. The program is fantastic. I could talk about how amazing it is and everything is great. But the sad truth is its not. There are some things that would make you want to pull your hair out. Now don't get me wrong, it does all the things it was ment for. It's just sometimes flash can be like a little brat and annoy you and refuse to do things. What can you do though? You can't punish flash, you can't give it a spanking unless you can pull out some money to give to the school. So the only thing you can do is get depressed and raise that pretty little hand and say, "Mrs. Goines!! Flash is picking on me!!" Other than that, its great, you can do wonders with it. Make a bunch of amazing things.

Adobe Photoshop CS5. Ahhh, photoshop. This is probably one of the greatest thing's ever invented. Well not like electricity, or fire, or transportation. But probably one of the cornerstones for digital media. In my opinion I believe it enhanced what we call graphics. You can do hundreds of things to simple pictures or items. That is if you really know how to use it completely. I really can't find any fault with photoshop. If you do comment in the sections below. Now on to the next one.

Adobe Dreamweaver CS5. Another awesome program. This sweet baby made web design fun again after having a certain teacher for web design 1 where everything was made from notepad. Who still hasn't changed my grade even though i've reminded thousands of times. Anyway, Dreamweaver was a life saver, making web sites was so much easier and it actually looked good which boosted my self confidence. I made a very simple but elegant web site in about 30 minutes. Ill post a link to let you check it out at the very end. As I will with all of the programs.

3D Max. This program is pretty neat. I'm currently taking a class called 3D animation which allows you(if skilled enough) to take a real object, and recreate it in this program. I'm still learning how to use it so of course it's given me fits so far.

So all in all, Adobe to me has done the world a huge favor by allowing students and schools to purchase their programs for less than normal value. As well as done the whole digital media world a favor by creating such a masterpiece it's ridiculous. I bet in years to come these programs will become even more advanced that even a 5 year old could do it. Which honestly makes me sad because these programs shouldn't become like a yo-yo where everyone can use it. I've spent a year and a half learning these darn things. And if some kid can learn it in 5 minutes, ill lose it. Well that's all I got for this blog. Comment if you wish in the box below. I will also post links of works i've done for each program listed. Well after looking at the page, it seems I cannot load them up. Sad. Oh well, okay readers, Later!


  1. I agree with almost all of your sentiments, the first of all being the price of the Adobe suite. I would LOVE to have these programs at home, but even with the student discount the cost is outstanding and it's easier to spend gas money getting to campus. I find myself repeatedly downloading the trial versions of different Adobe products just to be able to use it for 30 days at a time. Oh well! I've used all the products you have, and I find them equally awe-inspiring and frustrating. However, the more time I spend with each one the easier it gets, so here's to endless hours in front of a computer screen!

  2. I love, love, love PhotoshopCS5. I have not used Flash Professional or Dreamweaver, but welcome the opportunity for training on the software. My limited experience with photoshop has been self taught for the past 5 years; but I can honestly attest that this editing software has enabled any user to become a master photo editor.

  3. A friend of mine who is really fond of photography is always bragging about Photoshop. It's something I really should look into because I hear so much about it. Adobe always puts out great products and while the price may sometimes be a little high (as you stated earlier), the product itself is well worth it. Very good article.
